61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Now, personally, I always ban "black licorice" from my trick-or-treat bag, so it's nice to see someone else fighting to put a stop to this nonsense.

To be fair guys, she did leave it open to interpretation by considerately including quotation marks.

Perhaps you misunderstood that this running joke is not about making fun of making healthy choices, it's about criticising a socioeconomic system that makes healthy living prohibitively expensive / time consuming for the poor. For example, Burt's Bees does make a BadShit-Free tear free alternative, but it costs twice

You should read Nightwork by Anne Allison. (I know you meant well, and you were probably right to put up a fight in that context since that is the prevailing Western misconception, but Geisha is actually not the equivalent of a sex slave.)

*Wipes away tears* I can't not go run at the gym tonight. Thank you for sharing this Morning Gloria!

Sadly, this is just one of a handful of Mr.61Below's friends-since-childhood-through-thick-and-thin who I can't just kick out of the house. It drives me batty since these bros repeatedly treat my spouse like shit, but since they played hockey together as six year olds, he will repeatedly forgive them and let them back


Last night, a friend of my husband's came over to visit. During the course of the conversation, he throws out, "You know, how it's not rape-rape when the gal is drunk and then throws the rape card the next morning." I puffed up, and Mr.61Below hurriedly say, "He's just joking." Then his friend drawls, "No, not

Pierce based Numair on Jeff Goldblum.

Never trust a company that promises to "satisfy" you. I'm not going to pay for "satisfaction." If I'm forking over my hard earned dollars, I want satisfaction and then some.

Realizing that Jeff Goldblum was in The Fly puts a whole new perspective on Tamora Pierce's Immortals quartet.

Damn quantifiable plurals!

I hearted you for saying 'It looks off-kilter because it's centered on the duckbill' so much more eloquently than I could.

Lentils. If you hand grind them with a marble pestle and mortar, they make a luxuriant, antioxident-rich body scrub.

Nah, Mr.61Below hit on it a few years back: don't shower ever. Fight like a cat when confronted with soap. Now he has an excuse!

I dunno, when I told my priest about the activity in my house, his eyes got wide and he immediately said we need to get the house blessed.

Your grandma sounds like one awesome woman!

After hearing a friend's mom tell about the time she tried praying while laying down in bed only to have something pry her hands apart and pin her wrists to the mattress, I always say my prayers on my knees. Too. Effing. Scary.

Oh my goodness, I teared up at that...

I found an old pocketwatch that belonged to my great-grandfather (who died young of a broken heart) and since I was in my hipster menswear phase, I started to wear it tucked into my suit pocket. Worst week of my life...I started having extreme insomnia and waking nightmares where my pillow would burst into an