61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Jesus totes lures converts with blood and gore, what do you think the Stigmata is about?

Aww! *ignores the chills running up the neck* I love nurturing ghosts!

I've told my story of poltergeistic activities in the house we're in now, but this thread got me thinking about something I blamed my dog for a few weeks ago. I got home from work one afternoon and the pyrex casserole dish that was on the counter waiting to go into the dishwasher was on the floor...shattered. The

I just want to un-heart you, re-heart you, and wrap my arms around you while you wrap your hands around a hot cup of tea...

I have a happychills story! A few years ago, a car hit a deer on the highway near here, and the mom and two kids got out of the car. The mom and one kid got onto the median, but the other kid got out onto the slow lane. Then another car came around the corner and hit the car. The kid had made it to the shoulder fine

Back in college, a friend of mine went missing. That night, I had a dream where we were at another friends house, carrying firewood back from the woodshed, and I said, "Hey! There you are, everyone's been looking for you!" He gave me the most beautiful smile and just faded away. I woke up absolutely certain he was

For a week after my great grandma died, I would wake up to someone standing over me in the dark, but I never was afraid. If anything, I remember feeling more contented than ever. I was seven.

Just for you, I'll tell you about something that happened to my husband when he was out fourwheeling. (Mind you there are all sort of old homesteads, pioneer ghost towns, and Ojibway cemeteries in the woods north of our area) One day he came wheeling around a bend and hill and saw a little girl dressed in her Sunday

Ah, nothing like working midnight shift where you swear someone is standing out in the common area, where you can hear them walking, you can feel the room change like it does when there's someone there, and when you poke your head over the cubicle, no one's there.

"Cool? Not when you find it open more often than not and end up putting a lock on it that you occasionally find in the back yard with the door open." Oh sweet Mary I think every hair on my head stood up!

Oh my poor Catholic gram almost had a heart attack when I found a Ouija board in an antiques shop and asked her to buy it for me.

Creepy! The inside of the bridge between the East and West Banks at the U of M has the horrible effect where your footsteps' echo sounds like someone is walking right behind you. It doesn't help the back-of-you-neck hairs that campus security once put up video cameras to catch the vandals who kept ripping the flags

Ah those walk out basements...so many good opportunities to sneak down and scare the ever-loving hell out of your friends. We used to get into such sneak-attack wars back in our day. *Smiles fondly*

I posted a much more in-depth story over at Lifehacker, but let me summarize: last year Mr.61Below's grandpa died, and his grandma spent the next year thinking people were watching her from the trees on the edge of the yard and coming into the house when she wasn't home. She eventually moved into assisted living

Last year, Mr.61Below's grandpa rolled his ATV and died after a long, drawn out, non-recovery. Mr.61Below's grandma moved into assisted living shortly after that, after dementia started to set in. She always said people were watching her from the trees on the edge of the yard and sneaking into the house. So the

Thank you for sharing that!

Don't be quotin' Marx here, boy! This is Amurica!

For homework: look up the term 'objectivity,' and use it in a sentence with regards to journalistic ethics.

I don't know about the use of function words, but I can say that Mr.61Below's absolute lack of any grasp of grammar is a contentious point for me. Usually I'm able to just let it wash over me, but during times of high stress or irritability, I'll just cringe and shout "Have seen or saw, for the love of God!"

Whenever I hear that we need to prohobit abortion because it's a sin to kill, I just want to scream. Really? You want to base your judicial code on what's sin or not? Focus on the 2nd Amendment people who've fought for their right to shoot to kill in self defense. Focus on the usurous banks who've shattered this