61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Hey now, no being satisfied with yourself! Our capitalist economy might collapse!

All hail the real life Tony Stark!

Wait, I thought I was supposed to minimize my 'd' shaped butt...my ladybrain is too confused!

Dammit Iso-iso-isoäiti? Why did you have to flee Finland? ...Oh? ...Because you had no rights as a Sämi? Voi sataanaa.

Digital Legillimency!

To be fair, laissez faire is only applicable when it fattens their pockets.

Oh, but don't forgot to prep your lentils with USDA Organic superiority first!

I maintain that this is appropriate, nay, essential to this thread, if only to regain a sense of lightheartedness.

I love Gizmodo. Props to johnnyabnormal and baldbeaver.

The more you retained, the longer your conversations could be!

I'm actually rather interested in the social and cultural contexts behind Christianity. Don't eat swine (see: raising hogs in an arid environment increases the chances of an outbreak of some sort of disease). Don't be gay (see: it's difficult clean up in an arid environment, plus the Israelites weren't a numerous

As a person who thought the largest theological differences were those between the Catholics, Baptists, and Lutherans until I went off to college, I can't imagine how many people still think that the largest theological differences are those between the Catholics, Baptists, and Lutherans. That's the mentality that

*Sigh* Blast you recurring dream where I rescue Alan Rickman from a snowed-in airport with my Jeep, baha-ing through drifts with my 38" super swampers, gracefully drifting around corners, and finding a hotel still open, where he thanks me by inviting me to the Oscars, and I get to wear the dress that everyone can

*Excitedly jumps into an anecdote* My Finnish professor in college looked exactly like Daniel Craig, so whenever we had to do our quarterly powerpoint presentations about something Finnish, someone invariably chose the topic that he was really James Bond. This worked out perfectly once, when the professor had just

Santorum? Hm. Never heard of him. I think I'll do a quick Google search, hang on.

Die Hard was on sale this weekend, just in time for me to celebrate my first time as a deer widow with Alan Rickman speaking German. Excuse me one moment...I need to go disolve into a puddle of fangirlie goo.

Fuuu, no I know what you mean though. I had a friend stationed in New Orleans who almost lost a leg below the knee because he got gangrene from a brown recluse bite. Stuff like that makes me glad I live in the frozen north.

I think our miscommunication is based in the vast difference in our education. He's a machinist, I've got my B.A. in sociology, both of which train you for different thought processes. He's a self-employed hermit, I work with the public. He's an elder brother, I'm the youngest of four girls. He's been near death,

See, this is why I get so sad that I can't sign in on the thrice-damned mobile site, because I love you jezzies so very much. It's true that I would love constructive support, but my loving, caring, pro-feminist superhusband is incredibly uneducated. I should say he is differently-educated, because he is a highly