61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

The only full-out, long-running, don't-sleep-in-the-same-bed fight Mr.61Below and I have is about my weight. I made mention that I'd like some encouragement when I work out (I had a bad case of bronchitis this summer and I started a desk job, so I've gained weight) but it's become more about my weight and less about

Jeez! I didn't know that. I got bit by a wolf spider a few years ago, and I had to walk around in comfy shoes for a week because my toe swelled up so much... but whaaa?

Ya, we on the ski team had a rubber tarantula specially reserved for the gal who always fell asleep on bus rides...she never got used to that!

I want to counterprotest these sorts with a giant plate glass mirror.

Yay for scary shorties!

As part of a long running prank war at work, Mr.61Below hid a baseball-sized wolf spider in a friend's toolbox. I don't know if I should be jealous of the camaraderie there or be thankful I'm well safe of that cesspool of depraved behavior.

*Drops to knees, touches forehead to floor.*

I used to make soap, but since MN made it illegal to buy lye (to deter backyard meth labs) I haven't been able. Sure I could order large quantities from online soapmaker supplies, but I'm too paranoid they'd break down my door with drug dogs. BUT. I am rather interested in the way you can make your own lye with

Yes, but can they start fire by hand? Dress the deer they just killed with their own hands and turn the leather into homemade birkenstocks? Successfully can their own produce without dying from botulism?

Never before has my penchant for singing "GLOOOO-RIA!" been more fitting!

I used 'prat' in a sentence after over-indulging in Harry Potter fanfic the other day—Mr.61Below was so confused, then he called me on it. *hangs head in shame*

*Dusts off Zombie/Pandemic/Totalitarianistic Takeover Apocalypse Plan, reviews*

So, not only has someone already brought Dolores Umbridge to the table, now I'm thinking of Trelawney.

I remember the time Mr.61Below took me to see The Pursuit of Happiness, and I burst into tears mid-movie. I was that kid. If it weren't for my grandparents, my mom and I would have been homeless... but my childhood was spent listening to the constant fights about getting a job, being confused as to why I wasn't

Oh god...confused Eric looks exactly like my old Finnish professor...

Not to mention we need at least twenty minutes of full sun exposure to get the vitamin D we need, or that D deficiency causes depression, diabetes, and other types of cancers. Ugh.

When I think of all the missed opportunities to run into towel-clad strapping young men on their way back from the showers, well, I just shudder.

Two hundred comments and no one mentions Snape? Whaa?

Whatchoo got against Buzz Schneider?!

My husband is often confused that I'm Catholic, given I'm an educated pro-choice feminist, but I am proudly Catholic. I look at it the same way as when I get asked, "Well if you hate America so much, why don't you leave?" First, as much as I'd love to move to Finland (or leave the Church) I really believe that you