61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Don't insult God's creativity by insisting that we're cookie cutter cut-outs.

@NefariousNewt: This frustrates me too. When I was trained as a Eucharistic minister we were taught to never ever deny anyone, because it's not our place.

@Highsmith: Pay no attention to the (wo)man behind the curtain!

@baseballchica03: It's interesting that we've become so accustomed to photoshopped images that real pictures, real people look faked.

@Kate3.97: First thought: God forbid they ban the Quibbler.

Everyone feels like they have an Opinion about babies *looks at the comment scoreboard, draws concertina wire across the driveway* I'm going to have a hard enough time fielding my mother-in-law when my time comes...

@jenawithonen @lauramarie @Gesamtkunstwerk: No kidding, it's like if we're going to get lines, let them be laugh lines! But no... Oh well, let's show our severity to the world. This line is evidence of a university degree, losing my father, my grandfather, and a friend, planning a wedding with a recent grad's budget,

The movie poster almost makes it look like it could be a horror flick.

Dodai, there are mukluks, and there are [www.mukluks.com] My gram has a pair older than I am and they're only more comfortable. They're part of the 'uniform' up here—mukluks and wintergreen parkas (which are ridiculous too.)

@jenawithonen: To me, the anti-aging culture has more to do with the concept of Beauty being what's unattainable, i.e. plumpness was en vogue when most people were starving. What causes visible aging? Stress stress and stress. And who doesn't have stress? Hmph.

I used to dismiss all this anti-aging scrambling, but last week I noticed a line between my eyebrows. I'm not even 23. Damn you stress.

I am...awed by how perfectly this article articulates so many of the half hazy ideas I carried around in my head. Why am I pro-choice? Because when the Baby Inside becomes more important than the mother, what's to stop the law from dictating how that pregnancy is conducted?

The only rule I have is that once the relationship begins, there must be a ratified prank war truce. Nerf gun ambushes are still allowed, but you do not want to start a prank war with the person you'll be spending the rest of your life with.

@clairedeloony: The thing is, so few people actually do know. After some of the facebook conversations I've read... Think about what sort of nutrition education you had in high school? All everyone I've asked had was a unit in health class one year and a unit in home ec another year. And what average 15 year old is

Last night I worked sleep shift, which means I am paid to 'sleep' on the lumpiest, saggiest sofabed north of New Orleans in case a situation arises that requires two awake staff. After maybe finally getting to sleep around 3, I'm woken at 5:30 by the phone ringing. A coworker couldn't come in because of the flu. So I

@emma.jayne: Another thing to consider: the closer you sit, the more you have to watch for flying pucks.

@NewsBunny: I never went to preschool either, but then my mother, too was insane. Tree houses and crab apple wars forever!

Well, if these kill switch laws ever reach a full vote, I'm buying playpen ball stock before Doctorow hears about it.

It's my 5 year anniversary, there's a snow storm, and the local rival hockey teams are playing a hard, close game. I'm in heaven! Hockey! Snow! Rabble rousing kids! Refs to abuse!

@gingerkid87: Hard liquor works too. As in: Oh, the Russians are invading, but you're running out of ammo? Tap one of your largest industries! I love Finland.