61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Since these lawmakers have repeatedly shown themselves to be incapable of expressing hypothetical empathy of any kind, I move that we abolish their right to free, lifelong, comprehensive health care that is currently paid for at the expense of us tax payers. See how they like them apples.

@mova: *blushes* well I just proved how little I know about football.

@Chiko: I have to say my judo sensei (a little old man who looked exactly like Bilbo Baggins) was so good about this. He would pair the girls up with the guys both to get us accustomed to throwing someone twice our size and to show the guys to never underestimate women. We specifically learned a choke hold that a TA's

So...live Puppy Bowl feed this Sunday? (The NFL isn't getting my ratings at least.)

@ShrikirtiRaven: Ha, ya and in my case it eats my garden. Flea-ridden rats with antlers...

Good God keep him away from Candy Quackenbush!

This is why I slaughter and butcher my own meat.

@EllyVortex: Ya, our people are so awesome that it takes an act of god to make us the worst of anything.

When my gram was in rehab after a stroke, they did some very basic poses and she liked it. After she came home, she picked up a DVD but couldn't do any of it. Well, fast forward a few years to this month, I found out that our local Y has a yoga class specifically geared for seniors, people rehabing from injuries, and

@Sabriel: You have no idea how hard I looked and how sad I am that I can't find a gif, video, or even screenshot of Danielle screaming when da Vinci walks past her in Ever After.

@61Below: The irony is that we're made zombie apocalypse escape plans. It was a joke that took off from my anxiety about being stuck in Minneapolis in case of a disaster...those roads are a disaster. We would be pretty much alright—take out the Jeep, throw on the canoe, drive twenty miles, and disappear into the BWCA.

@Alexandra Bonomo: I'm from the 7th district, but because of the population decline (everyone is leaving for the Cities), our district kept going further and further south. Now, we have people as far south as the northern edge suburbs of the metro voting, hence Chip fucking Cravaack getting elected. He's a freshman so

@GunwallsLizzie: My husband! And since the Professor is a martial artist, sniper, and a welder, I'm set.

I can see it now...

The Leonard Bernstein-directed chorale of Beethoven's 9th, recorded right after the Berlin Wall fell, is uplifting and perfectly paced (cool downs included!)

I wish I could find her amusing...but the sad fact is that she won the majority of her district. And they feel that she is a good representative. Eh, to me she's further proof that Minnesota needs to split into South and North on the Duluth Parallel.

@loveyh1: I'd totally take the red pill if Oprah told me to.

@leesie: Now the Queen Mum will forever go skipping through my brain singing, "I killed Sirius Black!"