61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

The corporate assumption that women need to lose weight makes me lose weight, because my heart rate spikes. It's like watching Fox News at the gym. *Lifts weights, muttering "Take that, you zombies, no brains for you."*

As my own worst deterrent, I needed to find a way to motivate myself. I tell myself I'm training for the zombie apocalypse.

@misapostrophe: No, no, it was just the first google image. This tech-illiterate jezzie doesn't know how to take screenshots. I do know enough about unresponsive pages though...Internet here in the hinterlands is awfully slow.

@61Below: my head hurts from that much black humored sarcasm...

Don't retreat, reboot!

After coming home from work to another pair of shredded underwear, I'm glad my faith in dogs has been restored. I'll even love my Weim again after I let him out of his timeout.

What're the birth control rates comparatively? Because if, for example, fewer people in NYC are using condoms than the national average, then that's not good.

Compasses? Haha! Excuse me while I vacuum some of the taconite dust out of my iPhone so I won't have to replace this one in six months.

By the inclusion of #1, the author clearly has never had sex in a sauna. Mm. Hot rocks.

Does this mean I can't fondly remember my giddy excitement when he performed at a few of my skating club recitals? Absolutely not. Johnny, remember me? I was the one awkward, chubby skater wearing thick glasses and you totally smiled at me during cue change (descends into incoherence). Getting to skate with him is

After I turned my Humorless Feminist button off (dude, it sticks hard) I laughed, because the big messy bun squarely on top of the head was part of the sorority uniform when I was at university.

Nothing beats getting your second period the morning you leave for a 9 hour road trip to a week long wagon train 'adventure' with your girl scout troop. Five days of Oregon Trail, writhing in the back of a shock-less wagon, listening to the rest of the troop chanting "Stash-Tash is a woman now!" because puberty also

@Dethzilla: You can erase sharpie with sharpie by wiping it away when the second stroke is still wet. (I don't know if this works on iPad screens, but it does on metal.)

@GetOutOfBox: Your ingredients will make or break your meal. The trick to making the ideal Vegan sidedish is to pick a ginger with a thick brogue.

@Lumberjacques: And the thing is, we (the business) nearly kicked the bucket this summer after getting almost no work since the recession started. Things turned around suddenly and crazily, but we now have a painful appreciation for working while there's work to be had.

After several attempts at a coherent response, all I have is Hulk Smash!

Mr.61Below was off Christmas day, and that's the only day off he's had since our wedding day in September. I had to get two jobs for a while, and for three months I was working at least one job every day. Most of the time I'd go from one to the other. You do what you can while you can. But it makes my blood absolutely

I think we're fine; so far the birds and the fish haven't come back to life. ...So far.

@ravella_the_riverboat_queen: Just make sure your shoes are clean and that you can move freely in whatever clothes you wear. The only judging you'd get would be about a pile of dried mud behind a treadmill. (ahem. It was just once - I swear I couldn't find my gym shoes)