61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

I'm hiding this article from my husband...he's been begging for another RC helicopter ever since our dog ate the last one.

I have a Y pass because my only other options are to be hit by cars, bit by dogs, or eaten by wolves. I live down a winding country road without shoulders, a lot of people leave their dogs off the leash (I was bit by a dog while riding my bike two summers ago), and running by myself on my property makes me nervous

@jenjen: To be fair we do make blueberry 'muffins' that are really cupcakes without the (un-Minnesotan) superfluous frosting.

I am Team oh my god I just spent three hours picking blueberries and my Gram is finally giving me her secret recipe Pie. That's the best part about anything you make, really, is being out in the field getting your own ingredients. Every pie is a testament to your ability to survive bears, 90 degree in 90% humidity,

I'd like to use this comment to gush about how fascinating I find my spouse creature, but both he and you would probably kill me.

@mocena: We had a good two inches per taste and 17 varieties so yea...now that I think about it, you're probably right.

@Poubelle: Project Runway ...(dramatic pause) on ice

Ooh does this mean I can break out my old figure skating competition outfits? I've been hankering for white crushed velvet and sequins lately.

Ugh. And why would the pro-lifers stop at just banning abortion? If the Precious Baby in utero is more important than the woman carrying it, what then, ban any behavior harmful to the Baby? You're pregnant, no running for you. In fact, no getting into a car, because if you do crash, involuntary manslaughter for you.

Fuck feeling helpless.

Last summer, my besties and I went wine tasting as part of my bachelorette party. $5 and a whole lot of wines to taste. Beautiful. Well, we (who drank) each had the equivalent of at least three glasses of wine and left the table staggering. I ended up making the DD pull over wherever she could, so I peed in someone's

@BordenGrote: When you're talking actual core temps, yes it's a myth. But it sure makes you feel warm.

Minnesota: we eat less meat/poultry because we eat so much more fish, and we drink so much pop because we're mixing it with so much booze. Usually the two are combined, since we drink to stay warm while ice fishing, or we drink to pass time on a boat.

I've loved the name Daine ever since I was a little 11 year old, feeling intimidated by looking through the YA section in the library, and then who decides to name her first son Dayne? My auntie. Love you to death auntie...but that's a dream dying hard. My favorite boy name? Kaia, which just happened to be what my

"She would be invisible forever to all mortals, save those few who have minds to believe, eyes to see," Follett wrote. "To these she is ever present, the spirit of Nature—a sprite of the meadow, a naiad of lakes, a nymph of the woods."

@funday: Here I'm hoping Beka will quit being a goody two shoes...

Someone needs to call Tamora Pierce. Now. Aw.

Aw Dodai I like the color on you. It's optimistically springy.

Of my three pre-martial partners, two relationships ended directly because of the sex—the Very Bad sex. The third is currently Mr.61Below and we didn't wait long at all.