61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

@soofthemoment: My aunt's vet essentially put her cat on the

Faith is the opposite of reason, and it needs to be freely given. Problems with religion and with non-religion stem from attempts to take away that freedom. This sign says my belief is wrong, when I don't think anyone has the right to say that. But I feel the same way about evangelicalism. All anyone can ever do is

Catherine of Siena is one seriously awesome woman. Her wealthy family tried to force her into marriage, so she cut off her hair and refused. Her family locks her in the palazzo and makes her do menial labor for years before they threw their hands up in defeat. As a nun, she became a scholar, and as a diplomat between

@royalfan5: They were already in postproduction, but someone leaked the first 36 minutes to Scotty.

So, by that logic they should be denying Sudafed to asthmatics, cough syrup to 1 of 16 high school students, and laxatives to every frat member. Ugh.

Side note: just because society devalues teen angst as 'just' some phase/brain morph/hormone twister doesn't mean that what you're feeling isn't real. And because you feel it, that validates it. Times like this I thank the powers of goodness for the internets, because even in isolation you're not alone. May they one

@bitchyolympian: It's as ridiculous as banning liquids. It's as ridiculous as backstatters and enhanced pat-downs. My point is that instead of scanners and fences, which failed in the mail-bomb plots, it was good investigative work that caught it in time. They're not going to stop terrorists once they get into the

@1girl: The difference between PETN and printer ink is nearly undetectable. That's what the mail-bomb plot used, and that was only blown (heh) because of actual intel.

My entire family, including two branches of inlaws, lives within a ten mile radius. No one has a house big enough (and a constitution strong enough) to host everyone for one dinner. This will also be me and my mint-condition husband's first holiday as a married couple, but also the first since his dad and grandpa

It's a little known fact that the female viagra was discontinued because side effects included spontaneously sprouting penii. Frankly I'm surprised this site hasn't covered it yet.

Because I had to work the next day, I missed the Deathly Hallows midnight book release at the depot (where they brought the books in by train). To this day I regret it... So yes even though I'd worked midnights the night before and had to work mornings the day after, even though it was single digits and the wind was

This is either indicative of how pervasive Harry Potter has become in pop culture or I'm really just that excited for the premier tonight, because all I heard when I saw that picture was

@SharpestShark: They can in Minnesota, and my grandpa has dealt with this. There's a strike system where repeat shits can get banned entirely, but it's difficult to drive and police. There was a major issue a few years ago where whole families were feuding on a certain block, and the kids on the bus were so out of

He and the Science Cheerleaders need to team up and go on a school tour!

Thank you Morning Gloria for articulating "Forget fitting into the dress, I'm training for the zombie apocalypse!" so much better. No one gets my explanation.

At my place of employment, we have to keep the sidewalks clear of snow in case of emergency, and because maintenance doesn't work on weekends, I have to keep the driveway and roundabout clear too. And it is snowing so hard that by the time I finished (45 minutes later) the sidewalks were already covered again. Haha!

@PandaRobots: "Green" is a catch-all that's grown into such expansive descriptor that it means next to nothing, and "all-natural" just means made with non-synthetically produced compounds. This could mean anything from cleaning products made with vinegar and baking soda to a pesticide distilled from marigolds.

@francofile001: You can't mix eras until you've figured it out, and never wear a zoot suit to a tiki bar!

That Google screenshot reminds me again why high schools need to teach more about reliable sources. End the college student's lament, "What do you mean Wikipedia isn't a reliable source?!"