61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Well you know what Charles Kane? They denied Buffalo Bill his sex reassignment surgery, so he teamed up with Southwest Airlines to off the fat people who refused to pay for the two seats they were totally using. Do you really want to send a poor FBI student into the dungeon to meet with Dr. Lector again? Do you??

First Wave: men and women are different. Second Wave: men and women are no different. Can we have a Third Wave: people are different? I'm tired of the discussion being so focused on how men and women's brains and bodies are different that they forget how much variance there is within the same gender.

It could have been a dog. My Weimaraner has left me several birds (including a grouse!) as tribute on the deck. Or, if not in tribute, a subtle threat about me working so many hours.

I think it's more important to raise your kids to be respectful and accepting. I used to be bullied mercilessly for being weird, but then everything changed. All I know is that there was a quiet coup sometime during 8th grade (and what would I know about it? I was in the library) where the elementary school mean girls

@juliagulia01: Yes but what's in the box? I do hope you put beanie baby kitties in there.

@whalepenguin: @whalepenguin: To me the old testament is history—the story of the generations of Abraham. (From here on I'll explain my beliefs) God in the old testament is very wrathful. But that all changed when he (as Jesus, as part of the Trinity) became man, became one with all of us. That's what Communion is

Sometimes I wonder if these folk are reading the same Bible I am, because obviously they missed out on ohh the whole New Testament. Loving thy neighbor, ur doin it wrong.

If someone grabbed me from behind, lifted me into the air, and I didn't immediately know who it was, I'd kick and fight like a wild thing too. Was she even able to identify that it was a cop? Ugh. Hopefully she can get a good lawyer and fight this.

@ceilidh: That'd be so full of win I'd even buy a membership. October Special! Sprints and endurance: outrun even the freshest undead!

Ah the focus on fatness over fitness. This negative dialog is no different than a politician who's all 'I don't believe in abortion! Obamacare is a jobkiller! The tax system is broken!' without offering any solutions. That way they can view the world in black and white and avoid looking at the vast confusing

Well let's just say it must be a very lucky day for the clinic, toilet paper, and pedialite companies because there's a wicked strain of stomach flu going around my town.

What's the one thing likely to make your skin healthier? Not wearing makeup. Good on those gals for giving each other support!

Don't use products that have parabens—the compounds can mimic an estrogen imbalance that causes migraines, arthritis-like joint pain, and even breast cancer. I used to get multiple migraines a month, and my hands would swell up so bad I'd have to take my rings off. Once I switched to Burt's Bees, problems solved.

When I hit puberty, I grew a faint but noticeable mustache. This, a last name that, let me give you a hint, rhymes with 'cash' and a very clueless teacher who called us by Miss or Mr. Last Name led to enough taunting that I shaved my upper lip. After that it grew back much darker. Sometimes I feel like shoving the

Our cheerleaders wore snowsuits out of necessity (Minnesota rocks) but oh my god the humiliation on the volleyball team when they made us change to spandex. "They cut down on reaction time" and I will give them that...when you're comparing spandex to soccer shorts, but no way does that make glorified bikini bottoms

Two weeks before my junior prom, my first boyfriend dumped me so I asked one of my friends (over IM no less!) and we had a blast. So senior year, I went all out. My gram let me get a dress custom made by the seamstress who made my aunt's wedding gown. It was huge, ice blue satin with pin tucks and I wore my