Tasha Lem

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Actually, technically speaking you can utilise 100% of your brain. The original misconception of using 10% of your brain came from brain scans showing only 10% of neurons active at the time of the scan.

Here's a question I've been curious about. Have they specifically addressed what people saw at the moment of the Event (like did people literally wink out of existence from one moment to the next) as there must have been millions of people looking directly at those who disappeared when it happened. Then there would

Question for people who know radio parlance, it's either "over" (end of a sentence) or "out" (end of the overall communication), never both together right?

This sounds positively mundane compared to the TV show Now and Again from 15 years back where after a freak accident, ordinary civilian John Goodman has his brain transplanted into Eric Close and has to become some sort of government secret agent for an agency run by Dennis Haysbert.

For anyone interested in Oculus, if you didn't already know, there was a short film from 2006 called Oculus - The Man With the Plan and I believe the character (or at least a relation) from it is name checked in the new movie.

I liked both Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion. Say what you like about Tom Cruise but he definitely gives 100% and he's well suited for that kind of intense role. Emily Blunt was also very good in EOT, it definitely helps boost his performance even further when he has a co-star that can match him.

I just couldn't get into this series which just didn't work for me after a great opening scene (still haven't read the third book) and I thought Robert R. McCammon's They Thirst did a comparable premise much better in my opinion.

I've really only seen mainstream films at the cinema from the US this year so far. Still not entirely sure which of these two though I think I'm just leaning towards Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier over X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Ethan Hawke did three films in a row each reportedly budgeted at $3 million apiece (Sinister, The Purge and Before Midnight) that combined made over $200 million when you factor in DVD and other non cinema revenue worldwide.

There's a nice article here about the genesis of Welcome to Sweden and the efforts to actually cast Swedish actors and others connected to Sweden in some way. Also, about how the show as broadcast in Sweden is a bit different to the US version and that it's already been renewed for a second season in Sweden. It also

To be honest, ludicrous remarks like that about the dependence on electricity remind of things like this from the part of the world I trace my origins from which is still reality for much of the world.

If anyone would like to enjoy a webcomic that (possibly) is a cross between this show, The Walking Dead (sort of) and a dash of the world ending plague from the new Apes series thrown in, can I interest you in Stand Still Stay Silent?

Well, maybe or maybe not. Since deleted scenes are usually taken to cease to be canon unless specifically stated by the creators, you could say not but as it stands, Battle does end with an unanswerable question about what could happen in the future, which for all we know could still end up being what happened in