Tasha Lem

Not if I'm having anything to do with it they're not.

Franka Potente playing a character connected to Katja Obinger somehow makes so much sense that the foremost reason it wouldn't happen may well be that it makes too much sense (She also once played a clone herself in the movie Blueprint).

What I liked about Galaxy Quest was that it was so earnest and yet never mocking in tone. It would make sense to actually behave like the most skeptical and rationally cautious characters in the situation but it was great to see the less grounded (for want of a better description) characters just gleefully running

So seemingly like the new Star Wars film as things stand for now (are we calling it Star Wars 7 for now?), Lando Calrissian is also left out of this poll.

Whether or not it was actually intended by the filmmakers, I had a theory that for me helped fix one of the biggest problems with the movie (possibly).

Thank you Olivia de Havilland for the common sense interpretation of the seven year law that they actually named after her.

"What's in the bag?"

I own copies of all of the films you mentioned including infection. I've talked about the Japanese version of Pulse (Kairo) elsewhere in this comment section and seen every single Grudge film except the new one that just came out.

It could be a combination of things, logistics, tax credits, ease of filming, expense, just wanting to help set their film apart by changing the setting and of course never put past the possibility that the people making the film preferred to spend time in Japan over Thailand at that time especially when off the clock.

Yes, sorry. I have seen the original movie (and know of the short lived TV Series where it's opening credits live on on Youtube), I always did mean the planned remake (and edited my earlier post accordingly) which has been long stuck in Development Hell. The book does feel like a movie script as it is written with a

Going from this page:

I'd read the book long before the movie and reread it after seeing it again, I liked it, it was also a great help to piece together what happened as someone had obviously taken a hatchet to Michael Mann's work. I can understand why he doesn't like to talk about the experience. I know the author turned it into a series

I just went with what I'd encountered so I left out things I heard of but not experienced like the video games and her throwing the opening pitches at baseball games.

No problem. With the probable exception of some anime series, I think it's a candidate for one of the most weird and convoluted movie continuities and it makes fascinating reading, I'd highly recommend looking up a more definitive version than my recollections.

I guess it won't surprise you to hear that I own a limited edition copy of A Tale of Two Sisters which came with a frame from an original negative. That was back in my days of collecting Korean and Japanese cinema and getting them directly imported from their respective countries. If you didn't already know, it's

Books: (1) Ring, (2) Rasen (Japanese word meaning Spiral), (3) Loop (never filmed), short story "Birthday" basis for Ringu 0 (Zero) movie prequel.

Actually, strictly speaking those films came long after two different Part 2's to the first Japanese cinema film (one was made at the same time as the first Japanese film and followed the second in the book series, the first film followed the first book, the second Part 2 replaced the first Part 2 in movie continuity

I have seen the Japanese Ring 2, the other Japanese Ring 2 and the American The Ring 2. However, I did in fact die after an incident with some Daleks so technically, you are in fact correct.

"I cannot answer you, because it’s totally unknown to me what you just asked me, and also very boring."

The Pulse remake of Kairo (which I believe more accurately translates as 'circuit') was another in a long like of remakes that totally missed the point of the original. I think they tried to frame the remake as some sort of invasion from another dimension.