Tasha Lem

Anyone remember this project? When I first heard about this movie, I was reminded about it though probably all they have in common is the concept of filming segments over many years. Production started in 1991 and it had quite an impressive cast.

I did think of her earlier but minus points if the vaccination stories are accurately described and some of the other things in this comments section are true. Which would be a shame as I used to watch Blossom almost religiously once upon a time (and how weird was that last season of Til Death?). For me at least, the

Her lawsuit against Mel Brooks says otherwise.

Just thought of one. Dana Scully just turned 50 this year and has a B.S. in physics and is an MD. Gillian Anderson is 45, the difference in age felt about right as she was 24 when she auditioned for the role but I figured to be both a medical doctor and an FBI agent the character would probably be at least 4 years

Credit where credit's due, even if that was all she did it's still more than most people who play movie scientists. It probably wouldn't have been under the name Natalie Portman anyway as that's not the name she attended university under, I think she only uses it in relation to acting so it might just be a stage name

I'm not weighing up how convincing he is on screen (well I can't, I haven't seen the film), I'm rating his in universe performance. In most of our experiences with research, all that usually happens is that we fail to disprove the null hypothesis and get a p>0.05 after running our results through some statistics

I don't dispute that for a second but conversely I think at least some people do the reverse, which is extrapolate any limitations in the performances of some actors as being a reflection of their intelligence generally.

Natalie Portman is actually a co-author on two articles published in scientific journals in real life though.

Got another one, Cindy Crawford also got an academic scholarship to study chemical engineering at Northwestern University. She left it after a semester to do modelling instead but she had to have been smart to get it in the first place though.

Rowan and Martin's Laugh In used to make jokes about President Reagan in the late sixties (he was governor at the time). Then there was that time they said the Berlin Wall was going to come down in 1989 - about 20 years before it happened.

"The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there."

Wait a minute! We've been talking about scientists and Austrians. How the hell did we miss Hedy Lamarr? I guess she did the reverse of this article, playing people who weren't given so much credit for their intelligence while in real life she helped contribute to discoveries which led to the invention of the very

I will give credit to Akiva Goldsman for the two part Season Two finale he directed and presumably at least partly wrote for Fringe. That was very good and also the reason I started watching the show regularly for a while at least.

My cousin's husband is Austrian and he sounds so much like Arnold Schwarzenegger it's spooky. I have seen most of Arnold's 80's and 90's films, speak some German and also met other Austrians who I can say don't sound anywhere near as much like Arnold, so I'm not just indulging in some lazy stereotyping without

Tara Reid was respectable on Scrubs in what was probably the finest episode of the entire series, the one which also had Brendan Fraser in it. You all know the one I'm talking about.

Jeff Goldblum played an actual scientist (James Watson) in the 1987 movie "Life Story" about the discovery of DNA. We watched it during one of our lectures for first year biology. I still remember him energetically demolishing an orange in one scene. One of my cousins actually went for a talk by the real Watson at her

But Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof did get that chance and thanks to Joss Whedon at that. Much Ado About Nothing clearly was their finding eternal happiness in the afterlife following Angel and nothing anyone can say can convince me otherwise!

No idea how, though they certainly know how to market the films in this series, especially internationally. I lean towards preferentially seeking out the most critically acclaimed and most highly regarded films, books and the like from all over the world (which has led to some very entertaining and thought provoking

So do I!

Resident Evil 4: Afterlife. Highest grossing of the series so far. It made a lot more than any of the first three films and also more than the fifth. All the films in the series have been highly profitable versus the reported cost to make them.