Tasha Lem

"Why Is Belarus the Only Country Where Opera Is the Most Popular Browser?"

Don't you mean after Army of Darkness?

Since Forest Whitaker and Academy Awards have both come up, to continue with that theme; how remarkable a confluence of future Academy Award success and nominations was Fast Times at Ridgemont High?.

I think that's the thing a lot of people miss about criticism in general. At the end of the day, it is an opinion and people aren't always going to agree. From the critic's point of view, if they can show their reasoning and entertain you with their review, even if you don't agree with them, then their job is done. An

I have a book called Rebels on the Backlot by Sharon Waxman which explains why, basically there was a lot of turmoil with the studio at the time which meant it got overlooked and David Fincher was more or less able to do what he wanted until it was too late to stop or change it.

You're right, there was a lot of clever stuff hidden in there. To add to films in that vein, I think Josie and the Pussycats was an even more subversive film and had they stuck the landing it would have been close to perfect. It's one of those films that I'm impressed they were able to sneak through the studio system.

The original movie had a remarkable roster of future talent too. Most notably in the Academy Awards department, Hilary Swank and Ben Affleck.

I didn't always agree with Roger Ebert, he said what I thought were some very silly things about Predator and if I listened to him, I would have missed The Usual Suspects and Fight Club (my two favourite films from the 1990s and probably the two films his website readers most disagreed with his assessment) but he was

The documentary I saw about Georg Elser showed how remarkable he was. The man must have had nerves of steel to do what he did. Apparently to plant his device, he just went to the location day after day and chipped out a bit more space after closing hours until he had enough space to fit the device. He could have been

You're welcome. I appreciate how difficult it can be sometimes to find things you want to see, which is why I was glad to help.

I try not to encourage this sort of thing but 4 days ago, this appeared.

Quantum Planck time (definition):

I just want to say that it warms my heart that everyone here has been the very model of decorum and have done none of those things. I've long since come to expect nothing less from here. If anything, the put downs seem to be all self directed in good humour and without ill intent. Well done everybody!

These are the worldwide grosses of Jennifer Aniston's Top Ten films (out of a total of 20, figures from Box Office Mojo), almost all of these were after Friends ended. How much she credit she could be given for the financial return of each of these is open for discussion and how well they were critically acclaimed is

Actually, Asian actresses can frequently be impressive. Si-young Lee from South Korea is just one example. She was going to play the part of a boxer in a project that ultimately got cancelled. She had never done it before but found she was actually quite good at it and ended up training in it for real and winning a

I was going to mention Sigourney Weaver in an earlier post but I thought it was such a given I figured it's practically a default expectation.

… and then makes and eats two dissimilar tacos.

Well, that explains William Shatner and John Travolta.

Hey, I went out of my way to watch Amy Adams in the film Leap Year. If that isn't devotion I don't know what is.

Hey you never know. Bill Paxton said his dad started acting at 70.