Tasha Lem

Given the X-Men films she's not in grossed over $1 billion (and when you add the Wolverine films almost $2 billion) from cinema releases alone … perhaps not?

Actually probably not. She's said in interviews that in real life she's can be quite clumsy with a lot of the physical stuff when they were filming The Hunger Games series.

And to think this was her in an episode of Monk back in 2006.

I have a postgraduate degree in public health incorporating statistics so believe me, I know. I firmly believe in not telling people because it's not like you can untell them now is it? I'm definitely on the side of people having the choice to spoil themselves if they want but also to have the option open to watch the

Well, as you saw elsewhere, I really did. In fact, what I think is good about any well constructed film with a good twist is you can be surprised by it the first time, which is one experience and then second and subsequent viewings can be rewarded by your watching the film with that foreknowledge and paying extra

Point: "New study shows that knowing spoilers doesn't ruin a story."

Personal case for me, I was looking through an Empire Magazine which had a piece on Fight Club months (or possibly even years) after release and it actually said early on (and I paraphrase) "we're going to talk about the twist, if you don't want to know what it is, stop now.".

I don't have a problem with characters not having significant or epic conclusions, if anything the real world is always full of narratives abruptly being cut short in unsatisfying fashion, so it's probably more true to life when it happens than when it doesn't.

I did enjoy the first two seasons of this show, which I quickly watched in order to catch up with this season. I have only seen 3 episodes of this season before stopping for the time being though because strangely enough, I was really annoyed with what they did with Tahmoh Penikett's character in episode 2.

Almost adjacent Newswires on both the announcement of the Pacific Rim sequel and a release of the Beyond the Black Rainbow soundtrack? What's going on? It's not even close to Christmas yet!

Glad to see that sometimes we can have nice things.

It was my favourite film from last year. I went and saw it twice at the IMAX in Darling Harbour, Sydney (claims to be the world's largest screen). It was quite amusing being in a cinema right next to the landmarks the kaiju were attacking on screen.

Well there's that whole "Just one, I'm a few, no family too, who am I?" except the problem is, absolutely no-one ever seems to know the answer which seems to render it quite useless all the time.

I think quietly and behind the scenes, the US Armed Forces annexed Canada around the middle of the season but everyone was too distracted by everything else going on to notice.

I think the writers are doing an excellent bait and switch on us. We've gotten so invested in the stories of our main characters that we're totally missing the fact that Dyad and the US Military are actually the heroes of this story because in a few years from now, we're going to need their state of art weapons

You know it no end of films, movies and even real life they'd save so much trouble if they just had a few guards directly watching their prisoners from a safe distance at all times. It's not like they've got anything better to do now is there? Especially on a plane with no inflight entertainment system.

As Anna Paquin would tell you, even if they don't use the scenes, they still get paid for shooting them. So I'm sure Alison's actress gets cut a decent cheque for all the scenes of hers they didn't use that'll be on the DVD.

… thereby saving time because the Arrow can take Paul out in both shows.

I'm impressed they sent so many men and so much equipment in what looks like it could be a Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport plane just for Helena.