Tasha Lem

I actually felt very sorry for Rachel after that. She's as much a victim of her upbringing as Helena. Given the environment she was brought up in, no surprises she changed from the person we saw in the videotapes. She really didn't have a chance to escape it at all.

Helena meeting the other clones: "Nice to meet you all, sorry about all that trying to find and kill you before."

I wouldn't mind some sort of hi-tech electronic eye which would fit in with the theme of the show, especially if it was deliberately made to look futuristic. There's some pretty amazing stuff we can already do with those in real life.

I guess at this point, they really need to consider stopping meeting at Felix's place. It's like Grand Central Station. Everybody's using it and everybody knows everyone's using it too. Dyad could have saved themselves a small fortune and a lot of grief by moving a surveillance team in next door.

They've said in interviews many times that they've planned for a three season show. If it's to be extended past that, they've mentioned a 'soft reboot' which sounds like Season 1-3 are planned as one story and you could in theory stop there and anything past that would be the same characters but a new situation.

Typical government cost cutting. They got very lucky with just sending two presumably military guys this time around but there's so many ways that could have gone wrong as even living in the suburbs Alison proved. They really should have sent at least six.

Maybe he was in better shape when he and Alison first met? Suburbia can do that to you if you get too complacent (which he most certainly was).

Any volunteers to tell her she technically may have been married already?

I guess I should have said computer screen there and not monitor given where I am, shouldn't I?

Dyad's been so full of traitors, double agents and dubious types it's practically Impossible Mission Force or CTU from 24.

I'd be worried if he turned out to be the Cosima, that's for sure.

I'm wondering uneasily from that scene if Delphine is dead. Saying they're going to put people on a plane in this show is never a good thing.

It could be like Helena, the indoctrination only started after he fled the program and fell in with the religious minded types. The show creators in an interview, at least one of them said Mark "probably" has no idea (was an interesting use of a qualifier there, wasn't it?).

Dylan Bruce actually did bring that up in an interview a while back where he said if there were Felix clones, maybe one could be an old army buddy. Even if there were, obvious plot reason why that could be a problem.

Now I see what you're trying to do there but there's a reason why Alison and Helena are our top two clones by far.

I liked the scene where Sarah asked Marion if she was Charlotte's monitor and Marion said "I'm her mother.". It seems that because of what Sarah had been through up to now, that answer had never occurred to her.

Jon Stewart not only survived it, he went on to be very successful.

Calling back to last episode and the start of this one, I do feel sorry for Felix especially with the side effects of being drugged but you do know what they say, turnabout is fair play.

… and they know it too.

Well about Felix being the clone: