Tasha Lem

Helena just can't catch a break, can she?

They filmed scenes with her and Donnie but had to cut for time. That's probably why his name is in the credits. Apparently these scenes will be on the DVD as deleted ones at least.

Suggestions on what to watch until next season. Add more in replies below.

You know this means one day Tatiana Maslany is going to end up the host of The Daily Show (waits to see if anyone gets it).

For only watching the World Cup or for getting a girlfriend?

Watched Orphan Black's season finale. That's about it for this weekend (and the last 9).

Just had a thought. I guess we could approximate simulating a clone fight on any number of game platforms by using Nina and Anna Williams from Tekken as proxies for Helena and Rachel. Nina is an assassin and Anna does have that haircut after all …

That's her second Critic's Choice Award in two years as well. Three of the nominees this year were also against her last year.

I'll tell you what's really scandalous, Orphan Black has been completely shut out of any nominations for a Saturn Award this year. However, things like The Americans have been nominated. I'm sure it's also an excellent show but given the Saturn's a sci-fi/fantasy award and the Cold War's like a thing that really

I wonder if they're going to blindside us by saving Cosima and knocking off Delphine instead? The previous occupant of Évelyne Brochu's slot in the main credits has been undergoing a run of bad luck that still hasn't stopped yet.

That actually makes it worse in my opinion. How dim would you have to be to not work out before you started that your wife might react negatively to your spying on her without her knowledge and reporting it to some complete stranger for what could be close to ten years or more. I wonder if he's joined the dots and

I'm just glad that whatever happens, we're not going to get a repeat of the Battlestar Galactica "There are 12 models." debacle. I hope to never hear the words "Final" and "Five" adjacent to each other in a sentence ever again.

This probably isn't our universe though. It's a world where corporate power has already got their hooks so extensively into law enforcement that they can make charges go away for the obviously guilty (the police had so much evidence against Sarah she would have been in jail for years and no way could she have walked

Small bit of trivia. I actually looked this up and apparently the German for "Rock and Roll" is "Rock and Roll".

I've said this before but Beth and Maggie Chen, despite being dead and barely on screen at all, have driven and are still driving a huge amount of the plot. Of course given the number of new clones that keep crawling out of the woodwork, they could reveal it wasn't Beth on that train platform if they really wanted to

You'd think it would, Season 1 averaged about 375,000 viewers an episode in the US and Season 2 has averaged about 560,000 viewers. Nowadays, all the other ways to view a show get some sort of factoring into the figures as well.

Donnie's an idiot and can't count along with all his other failings.

I'm a huge fan of Katja. I like to believe that whole prequel to the series was her racing across Europe one step ahead of Helena before coming to Canada to find Beth. That's one prequel movie I'd be in favour of done in the style of Run Lola Run. Even better, if they got Franka Potente in it to play Katja's monitor

In real life I'd be more of a Cosima than anything else but up to now, she's been playing the part of the consumptive heroine and dying off to one side more than anything else. Even before that she was more the Abby from NCIS or Garcia from Criminal Minds, stuck in the lab while everyone else got to have adventures

As for favourite clones, why is this even a question? It's obviously Alison/Helena and then the rest.