Tasha Lem

This season has been good overall but I don't think it's been as good as last season. I think part of that may have to do with the fact they had a very long time (years, possibly close to a decade) while pitching the show and looking for the right lead actress to write or at least extensively plan a tightly

From what I read over at Autostraddle from a teacher in Austin, apparently the city is a bit like that with various ethnic groups concentrating in particular areas. So in that way, the school isn't too unrealistic in those regards.

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the

I hadn't even heard of Assault Girls so I'll have to look it up. I have to admit I don't seek out or consume anywhere near as much media as I used to.

I'm sure it was just a co-incidence but when I heard the premise of Coherence, it sounded a lot like the film +1 (aka Plus One), which I thought was quite good. It certainly has an ending which probably won't be what most people expect for the main character's situation. Here's a link to the trailer, though a word of

I'm guessing you must have seen Oishii's film Avalon then. If not, certainly worth a look.

I guess we'll end up seeing the season finale in the context of the episodes that follow it. I agree, it would have been very unfortunate if that's how the show ended since whatever the endpoint is going to be, that most certainly never was going to be anything like it.

I would recommend giving Neon Genesis Evangelion a go, it's so much more than giant robots beating up stuff. Hard to believe I've been living with the show for the best part of my life, I saw the series when it started 19 years ago and the possibly last movie in the continuation is yet to come. On the subject of Ghost

Since the timeline of events in the show should only be a few weeks after it all started on that train platform on the 23rd November 2012 (Season 1 episode 8 was two weeks later) and if anything we could well have not reached even 2013 yet*, do you think it's possible they might do a "time jump" to bring the show to

Especially since French Fries probably came from Belgium.

Unless they borrow the time travel equipment from Continuum, there's no way they can cram more than 30 months of filming required for each one of those seasons of that size into under a year.

I didn't mind it myself but I do agree it would have helped if Amy and Liam had actually interacted a bit more beforehand, given she was reintroduced to him in episode 6 did emphasis how little screen time they had together before that. Also, a lot of objections have come from the fact it was Liam specifically. It is

You might find this article about that show interesting. There's a lot of distorting effects a camera crew can have on a murder investigation.

Oh come on, doesn't anyone know the original "When a Stranger Calls?". No-one studies the classics these days, do they?

That would still leave them with 133 other branches including Vatican City.

I think it was actually Doyle, not Cordelia who said that. Given the episode in question wasn't very good, I can understand people having trouble remembering the specifics.

I thought it was interesting though it wouldn't surprise me if there were fallacies in the theory or even if it was completely wrong. I certainly never thought it applied to all cultures for the reasons you said, there's so much variance of societies across the world. I thought it might have some credence with Western

Yes, let's be honest. Without the French getting involved, there wouldn't be a United States of America as we know it, or even at all. The French supplied a huge amount of the material needed, almost all of the gunpowder and tied up the British Navy. Sure it was probably more to stick it to the British than anything

I was thinking along the lines of "… now decode the rest of the discs or we start shooting people.". Even Rachel wouldn't be safe here, to Dyad she really is just an asset and if they think it's worth more to get the information on those discs than threatening to kill her, they'll do it.

The user name/comment synergy this week is off the charts.