Tasha Lem

Look up the amazing abilities of cadaver dogs. They can find bodies buried very deep, concrete or not even a long time later. In this case it would be moot, there's also plenty of traces at ground level all around the garage and detectable traces can persist for years, believe it or not. Find that ground level trace

Well, forewarned is forearmed.

Funny you should mention The Illusive Man.

Hey, I said a few things. Your mileage may vary. I still think they should bring her back in the sequel, after all I think it makes sense that her character left a proxy to run the company on her behalf - also to have the audience wonder who, or what went on the mission and who, or what stayed behind.

For the best part, yes. Still wondering about what was up with his bar tending skills though.

I can't believe I'm mentioning this (then I remind myself I'm me) but I'm reminded of the excellent Danish series "The Kingdom" a.k.a Riget (which is excellent by the way so go see it) where the incomparable Mrs Drusse says on the subject something like "A gentleman goes through the front door and wipes his feet on

It can sometimes be so hard to tell how good someone is from a small part. If someone were to say to you that someone in a tiny part of an episode of Monk in 2006 a) whose character didn't have a name b) was mostly inside a mascot costume so you almost never saw their face until right at the end on screen c) had

You just need to know where to look. Behold the awful majesty of The Following. Everything is in the C to F range (3 F's in Season 1 alone).

I personally like it. It's huge and full of lots of storage space. It's bigger than some people's houses. They may not have a boat but they've certainly got the space for one if they want to get one.

Don't forget he killed an honest hardworking taxpaying citizen of Toronto. Karmic retribution has to be at hand. There was also that other guy as well but no-one liked him.

I think my favourite bit of potentially obscure trivia was from last week as to reasons why Felix and the new clone from last week probably wouldn't make it as a long term prospect in a relationship, thanks to the Westermarck Effect.

… and I'll cop to being a little scary. Working in the medical field can do that to a person assuming they weren't that way inclined beforehand (our profession tends to attract a type).

"Hello, I'm William the Bloody the … er … Second. That's right, the Second. I'm here to transfer my deceased father's account to my name."

There's an obvious joke to make here about how those rich people got rich in the first place but I'm not going to stoop to that level. I have standards! (Terrible, terrible ones to be sure but I still have them).

I've always thought in a strange sort of way, she has a lot in common with Helena given her warped upbringing. Both of them have definitely turned out quite twisted in different ways.

Did Helena keep that storage container with her embryos? I don't remember her disposing of it and the stem cells from those embryos could certainly come in useful for a variety of reasons including treating a whole host of sicknesses.

I don't think it's anything people wouldn't pick up from watching too much CSI anyway. I was reminded of our visit to a morgue for practicals. The first 10 or so minutes were spent reading everything on their noticeboards as we really didn't want to turn around. Even by the end of the day, we stayed well away from the

Oh, I was thinking of the lead up to the brutal stabbing instead.

It was good enough for long enough, much to the misfortune of the person on the receiving end of it.

Spike really wasn't that bright though. If he'd had any sense, even a small amount of money deposited in a reliable bank would have made him at least a multimillionaire just through the magic of compound interest instead of him having to bum cash off Giles for groceries and live in a graveyard. At least some of the