Tasha Lem

"Six of Canada's ten provinces used to ban private insurance for publicly insured services to inhibit queue jumping in order to preserve fairness in the health care system. In a complex legal decision in 2005 the Supreme Court ruled that, in some circumstances, such bans could be illegal if the waiting period was

I'm going to give Scott a pass on that. I actually took it to (at least possibly) mean that he said that because he thought he was out of the running for a relationship with Cosima.

It's a pity really as they'd done such a good job subverting expectations and cliches up to that point that by the time of the dreaded threesome episode hinted at in the season trailer came around, they'd earned enough trust from the audience in advance that they'd cleverly put a twist on it - and they did, very well

I wish I didn't know things like this but you also need to puncture the hollow air filled organs or that body's probably rising back up again weights or no weights one of these days as the gases of decomposition build up over time.

Both Hendrixes have slipped up a lot. Note to Alison, I love you and all but you really need to stop telling people you killed Aynsley. Especially when you actually didn't but also, given the incidents leading up to that event, people might draw the wrong conclusion.

Sadly, I'm going to have to say no in this case because they saddled him with that awful accent. The original Alien at least let the British actors be British and Idris Elba has a marvellous natural speaking voice and I think he's great on Luther, so why not let him use it? My mind's still boggling over that one.

The After Ellen, Autostraddle and Previously.tv forums did have people who said that they did have or they did know of people who've had similar experiences so in that sense it is true to life but they did go on to say that on the other hand that it's a heavily overused trope in fiction.

For me, a big problem with her storyline is that they haven't established at all what happens if she finds out. She actually already knows most of what there is to know, she gets the rest and then what? Some indications of possible consequences for … well anyone would be nice to give us an idea of what's at stake here.

For anyone who wants in, this weeks MTV's Faking It thread as well as discussion of the science and art of television ratings:

She's a survivor and highly adaptable, not to mention it seems it's a skill all the clones seem to have to some degree, she did seem to be able to pull off Beth on the phone with Paul for a few seconds. In person may be different but at least we've seen she's got some skill in this area. Also, it's for Kira, so

She wouldn't need to fool them for long, just long enough to get through the front door.

"Have you checked the children?"

The police in this show don't exactly play by the rules in this universe like Angela (bends them), Art (breaks them) and Beth (shatters them) - and that's just the nominal good guys. Then there's a lot of the rest who are probably on the Dyad payroll as Felix could attest to.

That would be Orphan Beige.

Wishlist Checklist

To her credit, Noomi Rapace was one of the few things along with the nation of Iceland that was salvageable from the Prometheus debacle at least.

At the end of the day, he has demonstrated he is not very reliable or particularly good at this sort of thing several times. That graveyard debacle was a real low point. With the stakes raised like this, realistically he's going to crash and burn big time sooner or later.

You would say that.

All You Need is Kill On the Edge of Tomorrow.

The last episode was such a waste of time in telling us something most of us probably already suspected. Paul's possibly up to something? O RLY TELL ME MORE? Wasting an hour and a new clone on it was not good, not even mentioning Helena except for a throwaway remark showing no concern or even realising Helena was