Tasha Lem

134 countries have Dyad branches though having been to Vatican City, I have to wonder where they'd actually fit the branch there as Vatican City's rather small (actually wandered down a seemingly unremarkable street not far from some important buildings and found myself back in Italy at one point).

I don't think we don't need to look much further than the horrific real life example of the Dionne quintuplets born in Ontario to see how it could play out. Some things would be "better" (they wouldn't be locked up but given the all pervasive and intrusive nature of our society now (camera phones, reality TV), some

I was such a goody two shoes in medical school I didn't even touch the stuff when most of the rest of the class in our physiology (or possibly pharmacology) practical were huffing as much nitrous as they could get their hands on (believe it or not, it was part of a legitimate experiment as the course supplied it, I

aka Classic Poe.

There's no nice way to put this but they really need to re-establish a tighter focus like the first season at some point soon by culling the herd and killing a lot people.

Some of us suspected this and then they did confirm via Ethan Duncan a couple of episodes back that Sarah's clone line is a prototype/proof of concept test. Had everything gone to plan, they presumably would have tried creating other people once they showed it could work at all.

Shows like this (and for example Angel and possibly Buffy) actually do relatively badly on syndication (assuming they get that far), probably because they're so continuity dependent and very intricately plotted. Could you imagine diving into this show with no prior knowledge into the middle of Season 2?

BBC America "reaches" about 80 million homes or approximately 70% of the US Cable market. What that actually means is another question though, I'm sure most people don't know, let alone use more than a fraction of the channels on their cable packages. MTV is about 85% and 97 million homes. Undoubtedly better known but

For anyone who's interested and/or hadn't heard of it before, Felix might be covered by the Westermarck Effect, albeit a bit more indirectly than is usual. It's interesting stuff, let it not be said that's there can be a lot to learn from comment sections on the Internet occasionally. Sometimes even I get to

There's a few of us lurking about and last week we did try to parallel events in Faking It to this show (believe it or not, there's a few). We decided to set up a small corner for it as apart from one article here (which is how I discovered the show), there isn't a talkback for it here (though there is one at previousl

Happened to me last year, I was literally in the middle of a conversation with someone on a ward of where I was working when they started having a seizure. I suddenly found myself tilting them onto their side (edit: and holding them in the jaw thrust position to open up their airway as much as possible) so they didn't

Well, Doctor Who isn't on right now of course. Also, apart from one series of posts to compliment Alasdair Wilkins and ask him something, I avoid posting in any Doctor Who threads like the plague because I suspect I wouldn't come out again until days later. I've seen all the new stuff and the vast majority of the

OK, for anyone interested, here is this week's thread for the MTV show Faking It.

They literally put the character they just introduced this episode on a bus at the end of it, didn't they?

I've said this before but nothing against the actress playing Angela who is fine but I would have loved to have seen Anna Torv in that role and playing it exactly as her alternate world counterpart right down to the costume and the hair. To add, I would also have loved some meta-jokes about how ridiculous the idea of

The problem for me is that I can never remember any of them and just use series and episode numbers. The few times I do, the person I'm talking to doesn't. I do somehow manage to remember hundreds of Latin terms for work but these just never stick.

The trick is to put stuff in tupperware containers labelled "Chopped Zuchinni" and the like. No-one ever looks there.

I'm thinking a "ghost" as in like from Starcraft (yes, I confess I've spent a lot of time in South Korea). Some kind of infiltration unit that can slip in and out unnoticed. We have been speculating that Paul could secretly be representing a third faction and is some sort of double agent in Dyad. Even though it's not

That's not what they taught me in medical school.

She said she'd be more than happy to play Conan O'Brien in a movie if that ever came to pass.