Tasha Lem

Just to save space and time, all of these following scenarios would end up with a bunch of heavily armed operatives kicking down doors and black bagging everyone.

Well, as mindbending as it was, I actually did enjoy the couple of A/F rated reviews, one for Doctor Who (Last of the Time Lords/The Sound of Drums), the other for an American Horror Story episode appropriately titled "Continuum" (no relation).

If we're talking about Paul here, he was in Military Intelligence. Make of that what you will and your mileage may vary.

Here's someone who must have seen MTV's "Faking It"*. In defence of the show's credibility, it is set in Austin.

I've always been a big supporter of Paul on these boards and I can't help but feel this entire episode could have been replaced by a title card attached to the front of the next one reading "Paul is found to not be as bad as we thought from actions he made earlier this season and could still be helping the Clone Club"

Considering they're both dead and one was seen alive for only a few seconds and the other not at all, Beth and Maggie Chen have been doing some major heavy lifting of the plot, all up.

That might be an unfortunate comparison. I don't know about what they tried this week. Tatiana Maslany's really good at what she does and Tilda Swinton is really good as what she does and Tatiana Maslany's no Tilda Swinton. Not yet anyway.

Clones as other clones is just like when they brought back Helena for me. I weigh up the contrivance of the situation versus how much do I want it. Even though there's been times when the contrivance has not been unsubstantial, so far the latter has easily outweighed the former every single time.

So, is a C- on an Orphan Black episode the equivalent of a D- on another show or movie and hence an Orphan Black's gentleman's F?

Episode 7 of Season 1 had Helena and Sarah in a diner having lunch which by default for me excludes it from last place status.

I was so hoping that Helena was going to have to impersonate Alison as part of the Family Day shenanigans last week. Chalk that up as one of my most bitter disappointments with Sarah not getting her out of prison jail and by extension with the show.

So Paul has been made more complex and his back story more interesting while he's been off screen. I'm conflicted as to whether this is a good thing from the point of view of the actor or not.

… and we didn't even get to see Beth (as much as we've ever seen her video notwithstanding).

Amazing to see how little Donnie knows about Alison after all these years of marriage. None of us would be surprised that she would know all about the best way to dispose of a corpse. Also, really? Using one of her registered guns? You'd have to be stupid to not realise they could trace you if you ever had to fire it.

Orphan Black Wishlist

Tying things into Orphan Black was just a gag that has clearly run its course and we're probably the only two here.

"My issue isn't that Katie Stevens has been at a disadvantage, it's that I don't think that the narrative acts like she isn't."

Well, someone gave Sarah Manning her name after birth (and why Manning as no-one we've met yet has the surname, so that's another question out there) and it stands to reason the same thing happened to Helena and given she was also born in the UK, she would have needed a name for travel documents before being sent to

I agree that Beth is by far most likely dead and things were most likely as presented on screen. Just saying that it would be quite a stinger if they had planned from the outset to show she was never dead in the first place as she's been deader than Helena ever was. This would be a hard one to pull off, most notably

No chance you're just saying that because you're Italian are you? National pride is good and all that but there's a strong argument to make that Danielle Fournier had better hair than Aryanna in her photo in the same way Janika Zingler most definitely did not.