Tasha Lem

I'm going to guess that they think it's still in there somewhere and they just can't find it.

Good news everyone. From the man himself, Michael Mando's (Vic) stunt double did not in fact break his nose. He didn't escape the shoot uninjured though, so I'm sure we're all grateful for his efforts in making those scenes as good as they are.

From what I remember in the cases I or my colleagues looked at, definitely all young people and my best guess is in all cases they probably fell out when they didn't notice because there's no other way to put it, we did have a good look around.

I think it's actually Alison who's going to turn out to be the wildcard in the end. Helena may be dangerous but people approach with at least some idea that she's crazy and unpredictable and at least try to be wary and cautious.

… but now as the clone conspiracy is smashed and Angela's heart was always in the right place, they all settle their differences and team up as a group to help fight crime and villains in the interests of Truth, Justice and the American Canadian Generican Way! This group is called The Avengers The X-Men The Super

… Beth who wasn't really dead as it was another clone on the verge of dying from her illness decided to take a hit for the team so Beth could disappear and also help bring the conspiracy down while no-one even knew she was alive. Paul has learned through his experiences to really appreciate her and what she was going

Though there's definitely skill involved, I think the Last Man Standing is going to come down to a fair degree of luck in the end. Absolutely everyone has been outplayed by someone else at some point or another. Sarah has exhibited a lot of skill in many areas but there's also been a lot of luck helping her avoiding

Well, that's the thing. I was already figuring something was up from the outset before I saw the two of them together precisely because I was picking up the differences despite all the similarities right down to the clothes (which were exactly the same). There was definitely things about the face I noticed straight

There's a lot in this episode I didn't really pick up the first time and that's why I love shows which make it worth watching more than once. For starters, this episode was further proof that Matt Frewer is a national treasure. His character has always been portrayed as really sharp, he's spotted just about every lie

Who ever stopped in the first place?

No, this is a different show on MTV set in a very progressive high school in Texas, Austin where a couple of female best friends accidentally get outed as a couple. Problem is, they're neither a couple nor gay* but they decide to run with it because they've gone from being unknown to the most popular people in school.

I'm amazed he was able to suppress the natural reflex action to put your hands out in front of you (edit: or step forward) when falling, because that's really hard if not impossible for most of us even when falling towards a soft surface we know won't hurt us, let alone a hard table like this. It's a reflex so

It would be easy to argue that she just froze with the shock of it all especially as it was just a few seconds and also, it quite possibly could be true. Lawyers after all (both defence and prosecution) often just construct likely scenarios as to what may have happened as to what actually happened. I wouldn't be

In all seriousness if they had twins cast with the clones divided up among them, it'd make their life so much easier from a technical point of view and make things much quicker in filming any scenes with duplicates, especially with just two of them. They did say they didn't know of any twin pairs appropriate for the

I don't care that it may be less dramatic or not the best narrative to have all the clones live happily ever after at the end. I still want them all to end up living together on a farm somewhere like Of Mice and Men promised but without someone getting shot in the back of the head this time. Also, a real farm too that

Well, Katie Stevens with the role of Karma is at a bit of a disadvantage as she's playing the straight role (pun and possible double entendre totally deliberate). Up to now she's had the role of a character who's totally obsessed with the most popular (straight) boy in school which in itself is something we've seen

I now realise that I really didn't make that clear, did I? I am the one who probes. You really haven't seen everything until you've had the experience of about 4 people in a week turning up to the emergency department you work in saying they think they've lost their tampon "in there somewhere" and having to go search

I was working with someone for a long time who I didn't know had a twin sister and the first time I met her was when she was visiting their father in hospital. To add to the potential confusion they'd co-incidentally dressed exactly the same way. I saw them both separately around the place before I saw them together

Which makes Sarah getting involved with Vic at any time after meeting Cal by far the most perplexing mystery of the entire show.

Actually, I do remember that there are some real world artificial womb projects with the ultimate intention of making it possible for women who've lost their uterus or other reasons why they can't carry a pregnancy, so this line of research is potentially not bad news.