Hey, I'm a Buddhist. Leave me out of it.
Hey, I'm a Buddhist. Leave me out of it.
There's actual archive projects that keep old hardware for that express purpose. That's how they retrieved some Andy Warhol artwork he'd done on some very early generation graphics software and saved to discs from a computer decades ago. They were practically about to disintegrate when they retrieved the files.
"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
Throw in John Noble as well and win the Internet.
I had a read of that and I'd also seen a theory on Reddit that hypothesised that Rachel and Beth had swapped places which could have worked but seemed more unlikely especially given what we've now seen.
It's like any genre show or movie that shows prison cells when they're full of monsters. You just know from the first moment you see them that at some point you're going to be rewarded with a breakout followed by mayhem. Those of you who've seen them will know which season of which show and which movie I'm especially…
Anna Torv is a good enough actress that if they were to get her on this show in a guest spot, it wouldn't be stunt casting. Not that I'm hinting that they should.
Don't forget Kevin Bacon!
I think given the stakes and factoring in dramatic effect and realism given the dangers being faced, chances are at least 1 or even 2 clones aren't going to make it past the end sadly enough. Helena and Rachel would be the two most obvious ones to go but then maybe that's protecting at least one of them precisely…
Season 2 of Buffy is great. You'll know if the show is for you or not based on your reaction to that (and especially the last episode of that season). In my opinion Angel becomes an even better show than Buffy, once again hitting its stride in its Season 2 and would be my next recommendation if you find you like…
People do all sorts of things for even for scale when they're fans. Sir Ian McKellen did 10 episodes of Coronation Street back in 2005 because he was such a fan.
He's really out of luck. At least Sarah was able to phone a friend when it happened to her.
It's a fusion metaphor/word salad place.
I've suspected this for some time. He owns a lot of John Grisham novels and watched a lot of 24 unironically. Now he thinks some show called "Scandal" is supposedly very good. For all I know, maybe it is but from reading the plot synopsis are we really breaking new ground here?
To be honest, all the Sarah as Alison scenes so far have given me mental cramps as for me there's always been too much mismatch between the hair and especially the clothes of them both when they're both in the same place and people see one them one after the other in quick succession. I don't really buy that other…
I don't think people remember him ten minutes after meeting him at a party. Assuming he ever gets invited to one in the first place.
Well, that's the thing. In the case of Alison, ironically for her if what had happened to Aynsley had been witnessed by a third party at the time, she probably wouldn't face any sanctions. Any good lawyer could say she just froze in shock and that's even if it got to trial as it would look like an accident since…
I'm sure such analysis already exists out there somewhere in the Internet. This is definitely one of those shows that is going to be dissected in great detail and even studied at university one day and rightly so, there's a lot of stuff that can be used as a springboard to further discussion as it illustrates a lot of…
Helena did a perfectly acceptable Beth just stuffing her hair into a beanie thank you very much.
Admiral Nelena Helena Cain is always looking good. (I am never, never, never forgiving that stupid cabin of doom on the Pegasus. It's the quarters of the most senior officer on the ship and hence should have some security at least, it's not a bus terminal!).