Tasha Lem

That's just the cable ratings I get from Wikipedia. I think DVR viewings and other forms of delayed viewing have doubled or more from last year but I don't know how much weighting they give them in the scheme of things (more so than in the past at least) but I think there's still a large component of needing boots on

I think if Vic really wanted to fully atone, he'd own up to what he did and take the consequences instead of succumbing to what was effectively blackmail but I can see how not everyone is keen on jail time. I can't imagine it would have been that much for stolen pork though. I can also see him being one of those

Well, this season's low was episode 3 in the US at 0.45 million and even then, that was higher than every single episode from last season except the first one. Since then, the next three episodes have all rated increasingly higher and the last one was 0.54 million. So hopefully that's good for BBC America and enough?

Well, in this show people either step up to the plate when challenged or crash and burn spectacularly. Either way, odds are good we're going to be very entertained with her story arc.

To paraphrase the immortal Bill Duke/Arnold Schwarzenegger scene from Commando, "Boy Scout? I eat Boy Scouts for breakfast!"

People always used to underestimate him without realising he had leverage.

This is just my personal choice but no matter how old a spoiler is, I at least try to describe what I'm talking about in such a way as the people who've seen it will know what I'm talking about and hopefully it'll be indecipherable to those who haven't. I may not always be successful in that though.

I thought a nice way to see the Euro Clones which wouldn't be too technically demanding to film (well relative to what they usually do) would be a short video clip with all of the Euro Clones in it. Katja had to meet them all to get blood samples so I thought a way it could work is that when they first discovered each

"Is it still raining blood? I hadn't noticed."

Counterpoint on Vic, to their credit they made him a complex character instead of a two dimensional villain. I really did get the impression he genuinely wanted to turn his life around and leave crime behind but his past has trapped him from moving on.

I'm actually quite fascinated by Paul and where they're going with him. He actually looked like he was enjoying himself by being able to mess with the plans of the people who've had him under their thumb all this time and setting themselves on each other for once. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go next with

They (sadly) may kill Helena off eventually but given what happened at the end of Season 1, I'd like to think it'd be a bit too on the nose to go back to that well at the end of Season 2, so hopefully she'll get more time than that at the very least.

Oh come on, you've been here long enough to know it's axiomatic that it's Alison/Helena and then all the rest. It's just like an immutable law of physics!

Reminds me of what happened with the Jackie Chan film Police Story 3 (aka Supercop in the US). The stuntman for Michelle Yeoh was supposed to ride a motorbike onto a train off a ramp and ended up breaking his leg. So she did it herself because she's awesome (and no legs broken luckily for her).

There could be whole new crimes afoot. She certainly would be expected to look into those. That kind of is police work.

I'm willing to bet cash money without even looking that such a thing already exists.

OK, I confess. There's a few of us who want to just talk about Faking It as well and arranged to start a thread in this week's episode of Orphan Black until we can work out where to go next.

I don't think we've completely grasped what the implications of having Beth mentioned again. It means we might see Beth again (well as much as we've ever seen her, brief video clip notwithstanding)!

Seriously, I'm going to miss Matt Frewer. Tatiana Maslany is definitely the main anchor of the show but having an actor of his calibre as one of the other parts also really helped make the material shine with how well he delivered it. On the upside, at least we get Michelle Forbes, another exceptional performer so it

I liked him because they actually made him a complex character. He did a lot of evil things but there were limits to what he'd do. Also, not everyone had to be redeemed in the end either which I thought happened a bit too much on Buffy.