Tasha Lem

This show has been a weird cross section of my life. In past episodes we've had people speaking German, Korean and Krav Maga, all things I used to do with various degrees of proficiency.

Wasn't that afterwards when she got the call from Cosima? Mind you, the lie she was telling was unravelling practically at the same time she was telling it, which was fast even for her track record on this show so far.

I've found there's some overlap here between the viewers of this show and the MTV show Faking It. A lot of us noticed this bit of co-incidental asymmetry in the dialogue too.

That's the thing really. Helena and Alison come across to me as much more likable than Sarah which should be ridiculous given their respective trails of destruction. A few more sympathetic moments with Rachel and she might even slide to last place at this rate. Also, for a con artist, she's such a terrible liar. How

I think Donnie was safe while he was just purely comic relief (this isn't a South Korean drama or movie where that's not a protection, in fact if anything it's a magnet for doom) but now stuff just got real you know?

For those of us who know, a certain character in Angel met their demise in even more spectacular/unspectacular fashion and it was glorious.

I'm getting the feeling that maybe she'll get what she wants from them on her terms this time and then go all Total Recall in filing for a divorce.

As some of you might know, I gave my brother a copy of the first season and for those of you wondering what he might have thought, well he found it watchable but it didn't really grab him. He'd watch it if it was put in front of him but he wouldn't go out of his way to see it.

That's not actually Art's decision to make. Angela suspects crimes have been committed and quite possibly are still in progress, not to mention that Art might be crooked (right on all three counts). So even though she doesn't know exactly what's going on yet, she has to follow it up which is kind of the Raison d'être

Well, I think we all know that even though we all have particular hopes and dreams for our favourite characters, we won't always get what we would like from the creators of the show. Sometimes they won't even get to continue to survive as much as we would like even that much to happen. As much as there are things we'd

Clone Classic Culture Corner

We live in a world where even today, the makers of Orphan Black can't come out and say their show is set in Toronto or Canada even though the indications of the location are everywhere including the word Toronto on a driver's licence due to the (quite possibly well founded) fear that there'll be a negative impact on

From there book "Josh Hartnett definitely wants to this … true stories from a life in the screen trade" by Bruce Beresford.

I did do a post in an earlier Orphan Black thread where I said it suited me to believe that it and Faking It happened in the same universe for various reasons (amusement mainly) and of course Shane would have to meet Felix one day (in this scenario I constructed in my head). I immediately noticed the quote when it

I wouldn't have known about Faking It if it weren't for the review they had here and that review caught my interest just enough to give it a try. End result, it's only one of two shows I watch (the other being Orphan Black) and I absolutely love it. Since I think you might know that's usually the only place here I

Well, Tatiana Maslany did try out for the part against Emilia Clarke. If we allow her for at least trying for the role, we could get at least another 8 right there.

Did you know Skynet is real and has been keeping us safe since November 22nd 1969?
I'm sure the date is just a co-incidence.

It would still be an added bonus if the timing of the change in the musical cue also had a significant meaning such as a change in Helena's status, both externally and internally.

I wasn't bothered or thinking you were attacking me at all but I guess I missed what you were trying to do there and the tone you were doing it in. We good?

Well, probably not to her face by the lower echelon staff but behind her back so to speak. Workplaces like that are notorious for backbiting innuendo. Also, graffiti in the staff bathrooms is always one of the places these things start.