Tasha Lem

No, it wasn't that. I really can't put my finger on it exactly (though I guess my reaction to the content had something to do with it) and of course it's subjective but the entire episode just didn't work for me from start to finish. Still, 14/15 with some sort of B grade or higher is quite good so far, I really can't

Or at least just Multiple Man.

I agree with that but I also think it's possible she wanted to involve Sarah in some way with the decision before she did it at the very least. Obviously I'm just speculating of course.

Physical size isn't necessarily a major advantage in modern warfare. Look at the Vietnam for starters. It would probably be even less important now since proportionally even less combat is at close quarters now.

Hopefully not major spoiler territory but I've heard there'll be an obligatory comedy focussed episode for the seventh one of the season. I don't know if this is going to feature but I hope Helena and Alison get to meet. Anytime would be fine but a comedy setting would be an added bonus. I always loved playing with

My vote and personal wish is for a super soldier project. Most of them have proven very adept at cracking skulls and generally beating people up.

I think they had help from the Boys from Brazil and the Order of the Black Sun from their moonbase that they fled to after World War 2. Who do you think Rachel was on the phone to that time?

Yes, it was odd, wasn't it. Which is why I said something freaky as opposed to doing the freaky. I suspect it might come up later, both because the writers seem to have planned things out in great detail so far and it's definitely the case that Delphine has always been hiding something.

I like to think it's a super soldier project.

We also don't know if he was actually responsible or the guy who actually gave the injection was lying for some reason (as well as throwing up some fourth wall interference). I get the feeling there's a bit of a low level civil war going on at the upper levels of Dyad.

I know this completely wasn't the point of your post but I never liked the term Fauxlivia (even though it was used in the show) because she was just as real as her alternate. My personal preference was for Bolivia (because, you know it's also the name of a country and I amuse easily).

No problem. My favourite book by Mick Farren is "Corpse" (a corporate controlled future which has basically subsumed the governments of the world and are battling for economic dominance) and "Protectorate" (Earth is merely a minuscule territory of no real consequence in a battle between two alien galaxy spanning

Well, don't forget Paul and Mrs S. met last season at her house for what seemed like the first time ({Sarah to Paul about Mrs S.} "Don't worry she knows everything."/"Well, not everything." {gives Paul an appraising look}).

OK, question out there for everyone. None of us last week quite put this together like some other people and websites did. Beth had a scar behind her ear just like the one Sarah just got. The dot we didn't join at least in writing in the comments section last week is what if it wasn't a mountain bike accident? What if

Oh I know, but in the context of the book they lose the Alamo (and presumably a chunk of Texas) again in a modern war with Mexico, presumably due to the new regime undertaking a purge of the government and armed forces of those deemed to be undesirable elements.

I'm actually hoping they'll show more sides of Rachel than what we've seen so far. Given their track record so far, I can't imagine they wouldn't. In a strange sort of way, she's been a victim of her upbringing as much as Helena has, she's come out quite warped as well.

This week on Fear Factor …

I'm enjoying the idea of a future fascist dystopia set in Canada (though I suspect North America has amalgamated) and especially Vancouver getting to be Vancouver for once.

Wir machen hier nur ein Witz …

… she rocked and rolled with the best of them.