
Here's a second for Fandango.

I will second 11/22/63 - really good. And I am a fellow devotee of The Stand.

Interesting - I LOVED Wizard and Glass, it's one of the few books I've read that I literally could not stop reading until I'd finished. I found the rest very uneven.

Or slather their hand up with vaseline so he just slides right off.

I saw that this morning and did a lot of "aww!"ing through the photos. Then I got to the last one and damned if I didn't have tears rolling down my cheeks.

Congo. Only movie I can remember coming out of and feeling actively angry about the time I'd wasted in the theater.

I found this video of Louis CK speaking at a memorial for George Carlin really interesting in terms of understanding how he got to where he is. He talks about how he went from shitty repetitive routines to his current material: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Also, he was the musical director for the Ted Talks for a while; he played keyboards on the original recording of Video Killed the Radio Star (not the MTV-famous one), and he's now the Homewood Professor of the Arts at Johns Hopkins University. Apparently he DJ's at Baltimore clubs from time to time.

Amen to the Founder's Breakfast Stout; their specialty Imperial Stout is really good too, if you can find it.

I wrote shitty movie reviews for a shitty national video magazine back in the late '80's, and my review of Road House basically said, "This is a movie where muscular men beat each other up, attractive blonde women take their clothes off, and cars explode. If that sounds appealing to you, you will love this movie. If

The main music cue I remember from this movie is the scene where the main characters are in a small plane and the nuke detonates, killing their engine - as they're gliding down over the Australian outback there's an alternate cut of Peter Gabriel's "Blood of Eden" that plays. It's kind of haunting. I've never found

I was surprised to learn last year that there's a relatively new 3-cd version of the Conan soundtrack - why wasn't I informed? It's all original source material and includes a lot of music that was used in the movie but not on any of the previous releases. A nerd's delight.

I thought it was a nice touch that Alison was singing the part of Judas in the performance.

Absolutely this. Whatever anyone thinks about the movie itself, the score is spectacular. I just discovered a few months ago that there's a (relatively) new version of the score - a 3-cd set with a lot more of the music from the movie. Yay!

I thought Tangled made great use of the 3D.

"Wings? I don't have wings!"
"Of course not. You're a boy."

"the fact that Cosby was likely wearing a mask to move among us," - point understood but from everything I've read, I would guess that MOST professional comedians feel and function that way.

I see what you did there

"It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."