Tarun Sathish

I also doubt she's seen Luke naked beyond the age of 10 or so, he's at least 16 now. It's a bit different if the kids post/in puberty

I can't remember the last time I've laughed as hard as I did during that alien sketch, Kate McKinnon gets an Emmy Nom for that alone. Gosling also throwing in an "I love you" to Eva and their daughter was also just too cute to handle

I believe he's filming that Ben Affleck prohibition movie, but I find the show far less enjoyable without him. The Mindy-Danny scenes were the best part for me

Is this the same Mark Rylance that has three Tony awards?

TJ Miller is going to be a star one day

Evan and Emery manage to crack me up every single episode

One of the things about the show I always found strange was how often the humor points to Mindy's weight/looks, when I personally find her very attractive. I get that it's kind of the point that she isn't Hollywood-thin, but it never really made sense to me

I was thinking that as well, this show just feels like it would be stronger on cable or streaming, give Kaling more flexibility for the story

I wasn't a big fan of season 1, but season 2 got me hooked. That might be because it just got better overall as sitcoms tend to, or because the style changed from many relationships to the one main one

Even though the quality has dipped a little in the last few weeks, I'll be very disappointed if they don't get a 4th season.

I'm a straight guy who watches it, and really loves it, but I probably wouldn't have ever started if my sister didn't watch it (then again, I am a Kaling fan so I would have at least checked it out, plus I watch New Girl so I would have stuck around anyway)

I think it might be safe honestly, FX is promoting the hell out of it and they seem to care more about critical praise than total viewers anyway.

I still can't believe Enslisted is gone….one of my favorite sitcoms from last year

I might be wrong, but I thought he went to night school for an associates degree after taking English classes and is now pursuing his Bachelors? If that's true being a restaurant manager might just be his part time gig while he's in school

Isn't "Mom" a teacher in the movie? It doesn't seem out of the ordinary to think she would tell younger adults to go to school. The fact that the kids had no reaction when they saw Ernesto at the dinner table is strange, but I didn't really have a problem with the scene overall.

It's starting to feel like Fox adding six more episodes to the season order was a bad idea, the recent episodes haven't been that strong (especially compared to the excellence of the first half of this season). I don't want to blame the pregnancy plot, I think that's been handled fine, but the plot holes between what

I guess they were just trying to find ways to keep him involved since the fans loved him so much, but it is weird. Also wouldn't Mindy have found a new doctor by now?

Yeah, season 1 and 2 Danny was this guy who was a jerk but also really cool and handsome (well he's still handsome). There was an episode season 1 when they go to a nightclub and he dances with multiple women and takes one home. Ever since dating Mindy he's become pretty boring

I'm going to miss Pally on this show so much…

I feel like I enjoy the mashup of the two songs more than either song individually. I am what's wrong with the music industry.