Tarun Sathish

My bigger problem with this special is that it was far too similar to her last one. I counted three bits that were almost identical to "War Paint". While she does have some funny moments, and I thought War Paint was at least a decent special, she still hasn't grown her material

An absolutely brilliant comedian. This might have been better than any special I watched in 2014, Kinane is the best comic that no one is talking about.

How many more times do we need to be reminded that Jay wants to make up for his lack of being around with Claire and Mitchell growing up by being very involved with Joe?

All of the kids on this show are hilarious, but the one who plays Jack kills me every week.

I'm not sure what about this episode deserves an A. The "Haley actually loves Alex" storyline has been done more than enough times now. Claire and Mitchell were boring. We've seen Jay come down too hard on Manny to then let up and watch Gloria do the same thing. Outside of the Phil-Cam arc that I thought was funny,

If Messina doesn't get an Emmy nomination for this season, I'll be shocked. He's been great for the last two seasons, been carrying the show.

Agreed, I've loved Pearlman and some of the Danny-centric episodes have been great, but I'm not sure I want a show that's just Danny-Mindy-Annette

In the second episode with Alison Tolman (so two weeks ago?), the scene with her and Peter in bed has her saying a line before her mouth opens.

The bathtub was in Danny's apartment, that's why they were changing in Danny's bedroom after the first bath scene, and why Anette was in the house. Considering that last week's episode focused on them not spending time in Mindy's apartment, I'm a little surprised they didn't spend any time there this week.

Dexter could be on this list (even though seasons 2 and 4 are very good), season 1 as a standalone was fantastic.

I tell all my friends to stop watching at the end of the final scene between Lithgow and Hall in the season 4 finale.