
Yeah, and most working dogs have been bred to not act on those instincts anymore. For herding, I think it's heelers, aussie shepherds, and border collies are the only breeds left that will actually herd things naturally. Every other breed has had those instincts bred out for ease of domesticity. Also, all of those

Wow, this reinforces my belief that people in the South East are from a different world. People would just not say this shit on the West coast. Not because they're not racist, but because they are way too polite.

Comparing a Sikh woman to the Westboro Baptist Church is disgustingly misinformed, and religion-bashing is so counter-productive it hurts. As someone who was raised Athiest, I would never dare disrespect someone's religion. Just like I would hope no Christian would disrespect me by telling me I'm going to hell for not

All of them are Japanese Steak and Sushi houses.

That's true of every single one of her family members that have ever been reported on in the media. What happened to them and why do I still want to sleep with them all?

This was so funny. Loved it.

Don't know where you're from but Asian and Ethiopian food pretty much own in the PNW. Some rich uptight WASPS probably still pay way too much for French food, but they're the only people who care about their opinions anyways.

Hey I love Tacoma! My whole extended family lives there, I have lived there, and I love that place. Neko Case even wrote a song about it.

People from the UK love it here. Good beer, coffee, and one of the biggest soccer cultures in the country. Can't forget that super sonic chronic either!!

My friend worked at one of those places and made considerably less money than I did serving, fully-clothed. Always thought this was weird, never realized it was only in Washington. My idea has always been bikini bartenders!! Way more sanitary, maybe also more dangerous though.

We sat next to Broncos fans in Seattle. The girl at their table seriously almost left in tears. lol.

Hey now. Tacoma is going to be a hip destination city in the next 10 years, mark my words. It's made a number of top gay cities in America lists, and you know what that means. Also, at least it's not Everett!!!

Fourth generation PNWer here, the natives are actually really dry, sarcastic, crass, and witty, but the transplants (which is almost everyone) are often humorless, PC, robots. The gray is nearly constant October-April. If you don't like rain, or gloomy gray skies, and you plan on complaining about it, please don't

It's true, but it's generally not at the request of someone in power. Unless it's gang violence or something. The US should report more on gang violence though, for sure. Maybe people would actually care.

Considering the niners were super close to winning, I think Sherman sincerely was trying to be nice. Even if Crabtree didn't shake his hand, he shouldn't have shoved him. Talk about bad sportsmanship. Also, Crabtree started it when he tried to fight Sherman at a charity event for trying to shake his hand. Crabtree's

See also: Lorde for failed twenty-something musicians.

Thanks for saying this. I've always thought she was kind of an emperor's new clothes type situation of a singer. Her voice is pretty much awful now, and was mediocre at best back when she got famous singing other people's songs. Yet so many hipsters just look at me disgusted when I dare to say that.

That suit is sexy as fuck.

Which is why I prefer the term envelope. My strong, large vagina really does envelope dick too.

Omg sensational headline much? Not really very funny when the men in question are gay men of color. Let's blame them for their own oppression and lack of resources. It's fun!