
Ooooh Lindy. You're the only reason I come on here anymore. SO MANY GOOD JOKES. AND YOU STARTED WITH HUZZAH. I love you.

People hate Natalie Portman?! She seems like a bit of an elitist, but she's an incredible actor. I had no knowledge of this backlash.

kale is hard to blend w/o a food processor or really nice blender. spinach, on the other hand blends beautifully. i make smoothies w/ yogurt, almond milk, fruit, and spinach in the morning, and you don't even notice the spinach. sometimes i throw in almond butter. sometimes if i am gonna get really fucking crazy, i

Oh, don't apologize to me, apologize to the perfectly-suited dog for you that's on death row for no reason other than rich assholes insist on buying dogs from breeders instead of adopting.

That's an awesome way for your teacher and grandpa to turn it around. Better to educate than alienate. I'm a fourth gen Pacific NorthWesterner, and I feel like the NA community, and the long-time white PNW residents are more integrated here than other areas. My grandparents were good friends w/ the chief of the

Oh, that makes sense. Though I've been told heelers are silent workers, and when he is herding flocks he is silent. If there's one stubborn bird way away from the flock he will freak out and start crying and barking at it though. So I guess he is a barker. He is definitely a mouthy lil dude. Doesn't bight the little

That dude walks around Seattle dressed like that all damn day and sings on street corners. God damn I love this city.

When I was a baby, my mom breastfed me on antibiotics, and I have had candida issues my ENTIRE LIFE. I even got yeast infections in my fat rolls as a baby.

Our bodies detox system goes like this: Piss/shit is the first round of elimination, then mucous membrane secretion (vagina mouth), then sweat/skin. So your bodies trying to purge the candida, and as it does the candida clings to life, and further affects other parts of your body.

It balances the cultures in your stomach, so the candida doesn't spread to the rest of your body.

Flora in your gut travel all over your body. Your vagina, mouth, and any mucus releasing orifices, help your body detox. So when there's an imbalance it will affect other parts of your body, because it travels through those parts to detox. You can get yeast infections in your mouth (called oral thrush), your vagina

Coconut oil on the vagina actually does cure yeast infections. Eating it is even better, but takes longer.

The bacteria in your gut travels all through your body. An imbalance in candida will manifest itself in skin problems, yeast infections, and horrible digestion issues. A common cause of candida overgrowth is gluten and corn intolerance. So when people give me shit about not eating gluten I like to tell them all about

Cultures created when yogurt ferments contain probiotics, that help regulate digestion. Your gut is full of flora that help regulate everything. Candida (yeast) is a naturally occurring bacteria that can get out of hand causing dandruff, foot fungus, and yeast infections, among other issues. Sugar, antibiotics, and

Full-fat dairy is also full of b12 vitamins, nonfat dairy has almost none.

Yes, or you've never had good butter from pasture-fed cows.

My Heeler is 10 now, and gets run a lot so he isn't so insane any more. Just hilariously protective of me, my bike, and my laptop. Oh and chickens, cats and any other small pets he will protect aggressively. He knows my priorities. How are Heelers good for work in close quarters? I thought they were bred specifically

That's why people who fight for white rights are called "skinheads" and "the klu klux klan".

No, I just have an insane heeler who herds my chickens with literally no training, and my vet told me that's because Heelers are some of the only dogs left that will do that naturally. He's not even a purebred at all. He's part pitbull. I actually think breeding herding dogs is the only legit reason to get a purebred,

You can go into pet finder, pick a breed, and see all of the rescues in that breed. The argument that you need to know what you're getting to for your lifestyle is not a good one. Buying a specific breed does not guarantee health, or a temperament. Dogs are critters not objects. It's pretty hard to argue that there's