
It's rare I believe anything I read about celebs, but I believe her mom. What motive would she have to say that if it were a lie? She's never spoken to the public about anything before. Plus, her fans and friends have been circulating this exact rumor, via Twitter for a while.

The US is one of 3 nations in the world that doesn't have mandated federal maternity leave. Why more people don't write about this, or know about is baffling to me. I consider the quality of life index to be fairly flawed.

It must be so hard to not be able to feel safe where you're from. Sorry to hear that. That poor, poor, little girl.

It's so hard to find a decently priced tasty Chianti though, I find. Any reccommendations?

Is Jezebel angling to be the white supremacist feminist site? Despite the fact that the show is HORRIBLY RACIST, I like it because sex, women and freedom!

The republican part was openly against the civil rights movement, that's pretty racist.

You like getting your dick sucked by 15 year olds?


Cis it to trans, what straight is to gay. You were born in the correctly gendered body, essentially.

After you kill any bird you're going to eat, you have to cut it's head off, let it bleed, and put it in a giant pot of boiling water. The water opens up the feather follicles making it easier to pluck. Then you pick the feathers. With waterfowl it's particularly difficult because they have a layer of oily down

Or E 40's "I don't wanna model, I want some stretch marks/30 pound butt meat cheeks pull apart"

god damn "women's*******"

Also, Beck is a scientologist, money-hungry sue-happy piece of shit. He sued someone I know for a very trivial reason who helped him get his foot in the door. The person he sued was also comparatively poor. He lost though, because he was wrong.

The flashing lights video is my go-to argument for hip-hop being good for woman's body-image. Not to say it is for everyone, but that body is way more obtainable to me than 90% of the women's bodies portrayed in the media. This made me feel like you are even more of my souls sister Lindy, if that's possible.

You weren't being bitchy at all! I hope I didn't come off as judgey of women who do drink coffee while preggers, because I am not! She was a casual acquaintance, so I didn't get details. She made it seem like it was a LOT of coffee, but who knows. Not saying it's normal or likely at all, or that there weren't other

Well I don't think she'd lie about something like that, but it's of course possible. She was drinking a lot of caffeine, she said. Who knows, totally anecdotal. I am just not into caffeine as it is so it's easy for me to avoid.

Possible. I am just paranoid as it is. And caffeine sensitive.

My guess, honestly: Strippers and high-end servers. Lots and lots of cash in short shifts.

I met a woman whose son had a severe birth defect from coffee. It's rare but it happens. Personally won't touch caffeine when pregnant now either. Aside from that, hard drugs and alcohol, I am with you though. As you said, moderation is key.