If your 76 too, then yes. Very normal.
If your 76 too, then yes. Very normal.
that's fine. not wanting to fuck someone is not the same as shaming them for existing.
Word. I'm from Seattle and I think it's basically the same up here.
WA state has weird, country, mountain, live-off-the-land, racist, homophobic, "christian?" rednecks too. So does Alaska. They're fucking everywhere that there's space.
that's fucking ridiculous. not wanting to fuck old men is not age shaming.
Hang in there. Virtual hug granted. xoxoxo <3
This issue should have been considered so much more sensitively. Especially considering Jezebel's awful track record with women of color lately. If this had been an artist who raped white women, the original publicity piece would never have been written. There's just no denying that.
Yeah especially because today and yesterday ALL of these articles condemning Jezebel for it's masturbatory review of his and gaga's album came out. Seriously I've read 3 at least. Seems like a timely spin piece. Every day that goes by, I love XOJane more, and Jezebel less.
I was pretty much kidding about blondes. Blonde babies are just so cute I want to have a million of them. But white people aren't that hot. We're just part alien so we stand out.
Yeah Jez is getting worse an worse when it comes to racial issues it seems.
Yeah, as a white person I feel like even complaining so loudly about cultural appropriation is kind of.... cultural appropriation. If many women of color say something offends them, I will stand by them and agree obviously. Not going to write think-pieces on how something another white person did is potentially…
It's so weird, because I am white, and I feel like we are ugly. White newborns especially, they are hideous. We're all pudgy and pasty. Who decided white people were most attractive? Some sneaky, totally average looking white trickster probably. Blondes are the only really cool looking white people and they are so…
Sorry dude, that's whack. I live in Washington state, and lots of my friends have dated asian dudes. Not to say people aren't racist here (they definitely, definitely are) I just think Asian men aren't thought of as unattractive and sexless. I for one, find plenty of asian men hot and sexy.
I wasn't but realize it sounds dumb now. Thought they had crazy testing laws now!
All right, I shouldn't have said "obviously." I've never seen porn where the dude wears a condom, so I didn't really mean during porn. I guess I would just ASSUME performers would wear condoms for random personal sex the way I'd assume a pro-biker wore a helmet when out for a joy ride. Probably wrong though. It's…
Porn stars are tested so often, and obviously wear condoms, so WTF? Does anyone else suspect a rampant IV drug problem? I know anal sex transmits HIV a lot more easily than vaginal, and porn is obvi very anal happy, but it seems like with this many HIV infections, and the undoubted safe-sex these workers practice,…
Where do you stand on gun ownership, and car insurance? Unsafe drivers and gun-owners make prices on home insurance, car insurance, and just general taxes more expensive. Not having federally mandated maternity leave in the US (one of 3 countries IN THE WORLD) makes insurance go up by a wide margin. Do you insult the…
It's funny because I am pretty big and they always are really nice at the doctor and compliment me and say "you must be really active!" Honestly though, I am active for a chubby girl, but my vitals are also highly genetic.
As a proud Washingtonian, I would say the SW Washington coast line is the Florida of the West coast. Isolated, methed out beach communities with intolerant conservatives. Courtney Stodden hails from that area. California is dope. People all over the country are just jelly. I don't wanna live there because I love it up…