
My bf has always referred to Target as WalMart for democrats.

Wow. Don't ever refer to yourself as "yelp elite" in front of a a group of servers and/or small business owners. There's a special place in hell for unpaid, amateur critics.

Thank you. Every time I read some Jezzie saying to end tipping, it irks me. I imagine most people who want to end tipping, have likely has never had a job that didn't involve sitting on their ass on a computer all day. They traveled through Europe on their parents dime and think it was sooo enlightening. The US isn't

Dude, I so would except: I have a longterm bf, he is not very attractive personality or looks wise, his band sucks, his Facebook profiles used to say he was into: veganism, anarchism, and a bunch of other extremo isms that a Freshman at an extremely liberal college might be into. Basically, he seemed pretty dumb. Not

Kevin rode around in the ferrari, not his son. This was 2008/9 I think? No idea about the Madoff thing.

In-state tuition is dirt cheap there, and it's my home state! Sometimes I fucking love Washington. Even in the cold-ass, drizzly, dark, rain.

:-( why does that not surprise me? His band played at a venue I interned at, and the founder said he was a nice kid. He had to kiss her ass though, so who knows. Anyone who doesn't tip well is kind of an asshole imo.


I want.....

Kevin Bacon's son went to my college, (The Evergreen State College, go geoducks!) and he drove around Olympia in a rented ferrari. Not very incognito in Washington state, particularly hippie ass Oly. When my friend saw him on campus he pointed at him and Kiera Sedgewick and screamed, "Look everybody! It's Kevin

Do it! I've lived all over the PNW. Seattle is gorgeous, but Portland is more affordable and fun. Better jobs in Seattle, though. Bellingham and Olympia are pretty rad too, check them out.

Word, I feel that. I just save my rage for bankers and CEOs. I highly doubt Jamie Dimon is tipping strippers well and encouraging them to follow their dreams. Call me old fashioned, but I think that's kinda sweet!

Come to the Pacific Northwest!!! We are dry and sarcastic as hell, and when everyone moves here from other parts of the US, they don't get us. Very dark humor. It must be all the rain.

Honestly, celebrities are so low on the scale of wealth. Be happy they're spending money on shit that actually benefits people who aren't part of the 1% like cake makers, and strippers. At least they're not investing in dressage horses and JP Morgan stock.

My friend is a bartender in Bellevue (just East of Seattle) and posted to Facebook that Katherine McPhee came into her bar right after the whole fiasco with said married director blew up. Not knowing who she was, my friend ID'd her. Apparently she didn't like that very much! My friend is a total sweetheart, and she

Check out Mars Hill church in Seattle. It's terrifying.

You've never lived in a non-white neighborhood, huh?

So do most pop artists, male or female. Name one rapper who produced their own album, or pop start for that matter. A large portion of her production is layered vocal harmonies which are all her voice. This feels a lot like jealous grown-ups attacking a more successful child.

Yeah because sk8r boy had a really strong anti-capitalist message and all. Having female musicians be dismissed for their talent, and likened to artists that literally have nothing to do with them other than they share the same gender and age group gets really old. It's all her male producers talent, not hers, says

Yeah, if you have zero knowledge about music, I could see thinking that.