
I don’t have a problem with redeeming the son of Han and Leia. I don't have a problem with killing off Snoke in the second movie. I do have a problem with lazily recycling Palpatine. Some overarching vision from the start would have been good.

It would have been a much more realistic arc. Kylo Ren killed BILLIONS, if not TRILLIONS, of people in the first arc.

It would have been a much more realistic arc. Kylo Ren killed BILLIONS, if not TRILLIONS, of people in the first arc. So did Vader, but he was redeemed by the sacrifice of his son. Kylo Ren just . . . honestly I don’t remember at all how he was redeemed. Something something Leia? Whatever it was, it had no moral

Watching “The Star Beast,” I was reminded of something I wrote in a comment on this site, many years ago:

I thought S3 was the best season so far! But I am ready to see the gang get promoted. 

And for you to gaslight us into thinking Germain reviewed last season.

I’m glad the season is getting a good review, but I didn’t read past the first couple of paragraphs — partially I want to avoid anything that even looks like a spoiler, but mostly because I don’t like this take that there was anything wrong with season three.

Literally the only two things I remember from my only viewing of this back in 80's:

Yeah, fuck affordable EVs! Volvo needs to stay niche! Would hate to see more Volvos, then it wouldn’t be special to own one anymore.

“All of this worries me, because I like Volvo, the Volvo that was happy to toil away out of the spotlight.” ROFL really? You are essentially saying, “Volvo I want you to faill financially AGAIN, because selling low volume cars worked so well the last time around.”

There are different levels of “volume”. Volvo in the US has always been really low numbers, but there’s no reason they couldn’t get up to, say, Audi levels of volume with a similar strategy (a little nicer than a full-on appliance car, but not out of reach). EVs, because of the weight of the battery, feel solid and

Now playing

Was hoping someone would mention Life In the Dreamhouse. That webseries was 1,000x better than it had any right to be. Darn right this movie has big shoes to fill!

Hands down the funniest part of the trailer was this totally random shot that does nothing but tell you Michael Cera is there for some reason.

That looks hysterically stupid.

Eh I dunno, anyone with kids of a certain age knows this shtick was already done pretty well a decade ago with Life In the Dreamhouse. They’ve got big shoes to fill.

For the uninitiated, this is more evidence to consider that—when push comes to shove—Capitalism will always side with the regressive/Right regeimes when it comes to business.

Was gonna mention this. Janet being the original Wasp, the title still holds its meaning.

Also, Evangeline Lilly has been on a multi-year tear of sucking, shunt her to the background.

On the flip side, with so much focus on Kang and Janet, Hank and Hope have significantly dialed-back roles. That makes sense for Hank as he’s always been a supporting character, but Hope’s character is in the title of the movie.

“... or at least all the dude wants to do is tell stories about Mandalore. There’s a big, wide galaxy out there, and the best part of The Mandalorian has been getting to see parts of Star Wars we haven’t seen before.”