“Commenter aims, but misses.”
“Commenter aims, but misses.”
The annoying part is this probably blew a long streak for her, too.
This is neither shameless nor shoehorned. The game was quoted as the direct reason the family realized something was wrong. Settle down.
Maybe it was part of a weird plea deal.
I mean, in this case it’s a small ledge on the side of a cliff slope that leads down into a deep, dank pit, but yes, technically he has it.
The FBI got a judge to approve a search warrant and has seized 16 electronic devices from Giuliani and about 12 days ago a special court appointed reviewer handed over about 30,000 messages or other items to the Department of Justice. Almost none of it was deemed to fall under privileges such as attorney-client…
I wished celebrity judges had started walking off stage the moment Spicer slinked on to Dancing With The Stars. Now that they’ve finally done it for Rudy I hope there is a walkout every time someone from the previous administration tries to rehabilitate their image through showbiz.
And since every single thing in this world seems to be speeding up the slide down the slippery slope, I’m assuming that it’s just a matter of time before Casey Anthony pops out of a duck costume singing “The Children Are Our Future”.
It’s so weird that Robin Thicke having the moral high ground.
I mean, how stupid do the producers of the show have to be to have Rudy on it?
The AVClub: constantly, repeatedly asks for this
The other day I misheard my co-worker saying “I wish he gets stabbed” as “I wish he gets staph,” and now my mind is stuck on it. Fuck Giuliani. I hope he gets a bad staph infection.
6.5 years. That’s how long it took me to realize that my husband had been regularly cleaning our dishwasher while I just assumed it took care of itself. Only came out on a recent trip to Home Depot. Whoops.
“If your dishwasher has a filter, periodically remove it and scrub with a brush. Little bits of food can get trapped in there and prevent proper circulation.” My dishwasher has a foil plate that sites around the filter. If you clean your filter as often as I used to, i.e. never, the “little bits” of food accumulate…
I know every wishes Ron Perlman had done more than piss on his own hand before he shook Harvey Weinstein’s hand, but I’m still glad he told that story. Fuck him! When is he going to jail??
For real I want MSNBC & CNN to spend as much time talking about this shit as they did Hillary having the flu. I mean noted douche bag Chris Clizzia was constantly harping on about what a big story that was. This man lives off of fried foods, gets no exercise and wouldn’t know what a vegetable looked like if you told…
a black woman.
That may be true, but I do not trust buying a used gaming chair. Who knows how much ass sweat, semen, or “bodily fluid” that has leaked into those weird cushions.
For the wary, for the same price you can get a used Aeron or Steelcase in perfectly good condition for about the same price. All the comfort without any of the embarrassing style.