Rusty Shackleford

So, Chuck has tried to defend these comments:

It also doesn’t help when Carter J. Shitfucker V just plows that money into shitty, gold-plated real-estate ventures that cravenly exploit foreign labor and default on all their obligations to pay hardworking people in order to mount a campaign pitched towards “working people” in a grand ruse to make sure that Carter

Well, now you know, if only you had skipped out on going to the movies...

Right? Given his party’s history, he should have at least thrown rent boys on to the list...

It is a disgrace to this country that this is even an issue, but I haven’t seen anything published about why the justices ruled the way they did. I’ll reserve judgment until I do. I think it’s likely the liberal side of the court split, not due to opinions about the ban itself, but due to purely legal issues they

Right now, I think it is crucial to tack on something else to this point. It’s true that if Hillary had been elected, there wouldn’t have been a travel ban that would have had to go to the Supreme Court. At the moment, though, Trump is trying to appoint, and the Republicans are more than willing to confirm, wildly

Are radio edits still a thing? I haven’t listened to the radio in years, but it used to be a common occurrence that one of your favorite songs would come on the radio with certain words edited out. If you were by yourself, you might sing along with every word, but if you were riding with your mom or your grandma, you

In singing song lyrics, you are essentially quoting someone. If you think it would be fine to use that word for purposes of quotation, why the redaction?

...so is offering the same response to every post on a subject and without adequately backing it up.

While I appreciate the attempt to help the lazy and wholeheartedly endorse helping others to discover Derbyshire’s incredible work...

“I’m thankful I live in a country that values its independence and democracy and where no party would ever allow a foreign power to influence the will of the people for political gain... wait... shit, can I start over?”

I can maybe, maybe, see how there would be a good case for prohibiting stickers with foul language like “fuck” due to some kind of public decency laws. Once you allow anything that says, “Don’t Re-Nig”, though, that ship’s done sailed motherfucker!

I think the most egregious aspect of it is that it depicts Trump as having a skinny body, skinny arms, and huge hands when, in fact, we know the extreme opposite of all of those is really true.

“It’s like Florida just can’t get out of its own way.”

I mean, if the theme isn’t played by a man, who will little boys who aspire to be musicians have to look up to? Where in the hell else would they possibly find a male music-making role model if not for the preservation of this one traditional role?

This is fantastic. Delia Derbyshire is one of many, many women who did some amazing work in the early development of synthesized/sampled/electronic music who don’t get nearly enough credit for the work that they did and the ground that they broke.

That would normally be a fair point, especially in all the cases where those laws have no impact on the actual enforcement of the law. Several states still have laws against adultery which wouldn’t stand up in court, but those aren’t being enforced (and one could could add here all the “zany” laws in the books that

If we assume we’ve got three of the four horsemen, who’s the fourth horseman representing Death? At this point, I wish I could find a good gif for this, but alas I cannot. My first thought, though, isn’t Steve Bannon (just on appearance alone, he might make a better Pestilence)... I immediately thought of one of the

Too true. Anyone who knows anything about Steve King will not be surprised about any of this. This fucking guy actually opposed legislation banning dog fights (let that sink in for a minute) and said in support of his opposition that no one is banning sanctioned, legal fights between people.

Yep, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.