We’ve definitely hit a low if your reaction to a political figure going straight from an interview to a hotel tryst with said interviewer is “if she’s legal, so what?”
We’ve definitely hit a low if your reaction to a political figure going straight from an interview to a hotel tryst with said interviewer is “if she’s legal, so what?”
Masks protect others from you, dumbfuck. Please read at least one Goddamn article about how they work from a reputable news source.
Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.
Am I the only one who thinks his mask looks like a repurposed jockstrap?
Still more impressive.
Yes it is.
herman cain was double D DEAD in two short weeks
Downplayed, but vital: Cartman performs a selfless act, which is immediately undone by Garrison/Trump.
Do stupid stuff, suffer stupid consequences. Put stupid consequences on YouTube, get paid. Repeat ad nauseam.
To be fair, our CJ-7 spent relatively little time rock crawling, and it was a working Jeep. Plowing, some light bulldozer work, driving unimproved ‘roads’, towing things, hauling hay, and giving a double middle finger to snow were more likely actions than wandering out rock crawling.
Bah. I love it precisely because it’s so stupid-looking.
Fuck this headline. I love it.
former bodybuilder and (ugh) California governor
I dunno. I mean, when he says “you can’t buy personality” he’s definitely speaking from experience.
Completely agree. I appreciate them sticking to the original shape and making a “Jeep Truck”, but it is awful. I would like to see a two door model with a slight extended cab or something, because the proportions of the 4-dr model just look “off” to me.