The Ja Rule of Kinja

I don’t think you are reading the same comments I am reading. Wishing the man crashes or is fired from whatever job, or serving 100 years in prison for doing a stupid thing that did not result in injury or demonstrable harm is absolutely unhinged.

Tell me you can’t read a thread without telling me you can’t read a thread......

The supposition is that we would get to a place where we COULD say “so what”. In order to get there, the shame of naked bodies or using naked bodies to shame would not be there.
So...why would a person be suicidal if they can say “so what”

Comment section unhinged per usual.

God, the Bojangle’s analysis is spot on. The inconsistency of greatness is much like Zion Williamson’s NBA career.

Yeah, but what you are describing is coincidence. In a comparable scenario to the bug scenario you’d be drunk, following the highway sounds thinking you were going towards the ice cream truck sounds. You still have been attracted to the truck.

Is there really such a big difference between “Attracted to” and “disoriented towards”. This also seems like a departure from how we normally characterize behaviors. I can’t think of another behavior we characterize based on the intent at the moment.

Classic callback

Not sure if you are being hyperbolic since you certainly did not find this username associated with a Foursquare account that I used and stop using years before kinja was a thing.

Reasonable. However, I’d like to (and I don't actually think "sadly") get to “so what” sooner rather than later because clutching pearls over AI porn is not a good use of brain cells.

Let’s see if a civil debate can ensure.

?Technically also first robot to die of unnatural causes /  Workplace injury

Agreed. I’d probably change that to a KW standard tho. Like every vehicle gets a 20kw battery. While that might equate to a 45 mile range boost on say something as light as a Civic, maybe Accord, that same battery size nets almost 40 miles of range in the Outlander without any other real design considerations.

I think your liberal use of the word fired implied that sometime will replace him and at worst frames your statement as disingenuous in order to make the statement about him not having any other ideas. I can’t think of a single time we either colloquially or technically use the term “fired” to refer to actors in a

I dunno. You can be “Big” on AppleTV and not actually big.
While their offerings are top notch, the audience is still pretty small.
That being said, Jon Stewart isn’t  creative like a Donald Glover or Seth Macfarlane. He really only does 2 things and he is really great t it. 1. Giving anybody that disrespect 9/11

Mandolin is the way to go, but even that thing can be difficult & scary to clean. But at least the crevices are easier to get to.

The specials were SOOOOO good I nearly cried. It was so cool to see all the cameos, both CGI, augmented and real. Really excited about the new doctor tho, his Sonic will have to grow on me.

English is the official language of St. Vincent. 

This piece fails to convey the sheer amount of petty involved in the response. The BBC analyzed like thousands of hours of Programming for bias just to come to the conclusion that the comments were horse shit. I appreciate the dedication.

According to Google Image Search (that’s my story) that actress (not,girl”) is Asa Akira.

Even when i was in High School in the late 90s/2000s we were using HTTP proxy websites to get around the firewall. Concur. Lawmakers are more interested in soap boxing than actually providing a whole solution to even their own manufactured problems.