The Ja Rule of Kinja

This is clearly a fear mongering ploy mixed with brand confusion avoidance. They obviously couldn’t market it for its best use case“, Sentry Mode” because Tesla owns that. They can say that this system is novel even though it will function the same way.

NGL. I’d love to see a cost analysis of the alternatives to curb service.


This is a weird conversation because people “scared of new technology and unsure of how they will age.” aren’t buying EVs in the first place. The real reason Lucid above all are deprecating so hard is super simple

Not a single example of a Lucid model  being half of its MSRP.

To be fair, the last tech demo Tesla did resulted in broken glass everywhere and people yucking on the stage like just don't care. 

I was under the impression that auto-up was a safety measure. For the same reason you can auto down with the key fob on vehicles but can't auto up. I could do fob up on my A6 but only after "hack"

Relax, man. 

Lol at the irony of being told to “relax” from your user name. 😂😂

What a weird list. These are the same cars that will show up in a “Most iconic” or “Coolest” Movie Car list.

I’m not prepared for hierarchy of type of DUI and the requisite level of ostracization for each tier.

The real question is when was the last time NHSTA evaluated its crash test methodology. When you are resource constrained, things become about both risk mitigation and avoidance. Spitballing here: There should be a single test that can be performed on every single vehicle once. And allow sales and incident reports

The fact that the mugs are replacment is evidence of something, sure. Theft...Butterfingers...misplacement...skeet shooting But I think saying none of the missing mugs were stolen is as strange as assuming all the mugs were stolen. We have mountains of evidence, to suspect the majority of shrinkage is due to theft

I don't see an editors note about a correction. Unless your comment is from an earlier version of the piece, it's incorrect. The article says, "didn’t compensate him for the sale of the trade-in." It means they didn't make him whole by compensating him for the effective loss of his vehicle during this debacle. 

Yeah ...I am not making a claim that Amazon did anything illegal. I’m starting that the OPs comment didn’t make sense because how you show “wanting people to know” something occured looks almost exactly like “caring about the act”. Assuming intent is a losers game.

I am not claiming Amazon did anything. I’m pointing out that you typed a senseless comment and the only way for it to make sense is if you had said something else.

You are missing the part where they had evidence

Gibberish because how else are you to know the author is concerned about the act if they are not letting people know about the act. 

I’m pretty sure the article explains that a former twitch employee outted him... And as she has both receipts and a corroborator, I’m not sure how of why you think a different out come would have occurred.

I think you meant to say, “ more concerned with twitch’s behavior in illegally monitoring messages ( I believe it’s tantamount to wiretapping) than concern over the actual act of texting a minor.