The Ja Rule of Kinja

People used to say they needed an iPad like they needed a giant calculator from CVS. Look how far we have come. 

Well let’s pump the brakes sir on this “best in class” talk about a product that has not hit the market. Besides Apples are almost certain to have a limited FOV just like the Viture and XReals glasses when it comes to VR.

You are correct. I forgot that the battery pack is external for the wireless adapter. 

Apple didn't really get rid of any of those things as the exact experience is already available with several headsets in the market already. My comment about hurdles have to do with the little things that actually keep people from buying VR headsets. No one is hurting for content at the moment. 

Weird assumption. I didn’t claim that there is no heat. My Vitures are quite comfortable and I've not experienced a hot face from the NReals I've tried.  I’m sorry your experience with your XReals is not better.

Personally, I would have expected a lot more innovation at that price point. Apple is best at perfecting other ideas at this point. They don’t seem to be bringing anything novel to the table except these Retina Display level OLEDs which are genuinely interesting. I mentioned that I’ve been blown away at the clarity

I agree that the generated heat probably won’t be an issue, but I do not agree with your explanation as to why. All phones and iPhones are no exception get hot simply from use. Apple has not defeated the law of thermodynamics. Something being bearable in your hand is not the same as it being on your face.


“Does the wired battery cut down on the heat?”
Theoretically yes. The heat from the battery would be moved to whereever it is mounted. LCD screens are a huge source of heat as well but the Apple unit will use OLEDs which are both expensive and much cooler than LCDs

“Do other headsets have the batteries in the headset

spicy nuggets from Wendy’s

I’m not so stupid as to call an Apple release a future flop.

I think the OP means “Who cares about the amplification of this?”
The internet simultaneously makes it easier and harder to parse the truth.

Word. I remember 15 years ago, noting that the new F-150 was the same size as the F-250 from a decade prior. Trucks today make the old Box body’s look down right JV-ish today. A real shame to between actual carbon footprints weighed against real life usage of these monstrously sized vehicles. I see way more clean

Yeah, Seeing the RT1 IRL it definitely looks smaller than the F-150. But it is also about turning radius. I have not driven the RT1 to “know” if I can park it, but it does have a better turning radius than the F150. I’ve been bitter about how late 90s sized S10, Rangers and Tacoma fell out of style.

To be fair, I am

I understand exactly what a tank and the tank turn are. I never claimed it was a parking aid. Just like Rivian never claimed that the tank turn was for ripping up trails even though they endorsed it via advertising. I outlined my specific use case. You are also incorrect in your assertion that it only works on loose

I currently drive an Outlander at 15 that is somewhat difficult to park. The Rivian is 18 ft. I am unable to park the 17ft F150. The tank turn would enable the tighter radius to accomodate my very specidfic need.

Counterpoint, While that energy while contributing some heat could help offset carbon based energy that has contributed to the earths rapid inability to regulate on it’s own, I am not as optimistic that is even remotely likely that it will. We don’t implement enough austerity for any efforts to actually have a

I know cover for a space laser when I see it. 

Just waiting on the LFP batteries to hit the Mach-E

Probably would represent 95% use case with the rest devoted to hooning. But let's be clear, hooning will occur anyway. 

Seems like a super convenient weird green washed way to say, “We didn’t want to spend money on development.” The act of creating a 4.5 Ton vehicle is an affront to nature in itself. Hell, I’d like to see the peer reviewed study that shows a tank turn is worse on trails than a 3 to 27 point turn.