The Ja Rule of Kinja

Can’t believe this isn’t cross-posted to Kotaku.

I hate the Gizmo Groups egregious use of the slideshow as much as the next Kinjite. Sometimes it’s ok to pocket your minor inconveniences.

I’m a little bummed at the estrangement of Ichigo and Ishida but the arc thus far has been bonkers.

The void Michael Harriot created on his departure has been suitably filled.

Though you missed an opportunity to point out that the new dictionary will probably be banned in Florida.

My kids have compartmentalized lunchboxes that keep their warms warm and their colds cold through lunch.

This sucks, but I get it. I think their implementation could be better though. I think YoutubeTV does a good job of managing users by requiring the account to log into it’s home network area once every 90 days in order to continue watching while traveling. there are some pretty obvious workarounds for the somewhat

Wow, a whole ‘nother essay that’s totally not a diatribe! Truly blessed today that a med school grad with such a deep and long standing connection to this site and such a verbose knowledge of cinematography simultaneously lecture me on things I don’t understand. who’d have thought I would have found such a well

Wow. You seem really passionate about 3d movies to have written a diatribe about everything you think I am missing out on. You also don’t understand the headaches that are caused with folks with astigmatisms (another reason I am not a fan of 3d movies). But seriously wow. Glad something fills you with so much joy!

Adam and Phyla were introduced as a Guardians in the Post Credit Scene.
Compelling or not, I would not put it past Disney to waste those introductions(re:Finn the gaslit Jedi)

I’ve read that this is the last we will see of this line-up of the Guardians. But this is still Disney and I wouldn’t put it past them to waste both the introduction of Phyla and Adam.

I have flat our refused to watch 3D movies ever since the first Avatar movie. I really like movies and taking the entire film in. 3D films, IMO force you to focus on whatever it is the director wants you to focus on. It takes some of the fun out of watching movies for me.

Best of the 3 and hot the feels in the right places. I will say the only thing I remember really throwing me out of the action was the lack of decompression in the ships after holes were blown through the windshield.

or down?

In theory, yes. It seems unlikely that he “owns” anything right now. The entities he is hiding his dough through probably were not named in the suits and probably own any assets Jones personally uses.

I mean, I’m still not convinced Dune is not just a long con to get us to by Zendaya perfume. I want 5.5 hours and for Zuckerberg’s avatar to inject it straight into my Occipital Lobe via my Oculus Quest.

no, it’s Colombian

“Taylor Swift got publicly dragged last year when it was revealed that she’s one of the most prolific celebrity public jet users, and with good reason”

Holy Shit @ 27%!
I presume there to be a negative correlation between the perpetually in service cracked screen iPhones I see around and about and the ability to secure the lowest APR.

Seriously wow. This is the closest to Apple printing money as it gets.

Why does it matter what I think? You made a statement saying that “a video game from 20 years ago, no matter how popular it was then, is going to have limited appeal to a wider audience today.” The evidence shows that your statement is objectively false. So not only are you daft, you are a goal post mover that has a

Yeah, but you do have to be pretty daft or willfully ignorant to make that statement while Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros, Need For Speed, Tetris, Mortal Kombat, & Detective Pikachu (if that counts), Warcraft ; all recent movies based on 20 (or close to it)year old video games that had wide audiences based on