The Ja Rule of Kinja

inexplicably stuck to one side about 80% of the time”

Again, not "easily". Anything is easy if you have the will l, resources and access. 

Resources both includes and requires the knowledge to actually execute an unknown exploit. Your comment makes no sense. Like I said, the general public usually lack at least 2 of those things.

“Easily exploited” is both disingenuous and sensationalist. Easily implies both will, access and resources. The general public lacks usually 2 of those things.

I get that you use the word “just” as a way to minimize the importance of the app to a bunch of peoples livelyhoods, but either you are an asshole or you have a very limited understanding of language.

Horseshit. It’s just an app.”
Wrong. Things are rarely just one thing. Just because you only see the utility of TikTok

The Pontiac G6. Crazy Fun to drive but was an ergonomic mess. Seats felt like driving a full sized power wheel and the steering wheel felt like the steering wheel on the Cruisin USA arcade game.

Alternative title: Linus gets cancelled after admitting to both using the hard “R” and not knowing what the hard “R” is to getting cancelled on Youtube in no time flat.

Jokes aside, I hope he bounces back from this. I remember how crushed I was in 2004 whenI lost 40GB of Limewired movies and Music.

I for one am rooting for Ford (corporate) for right now.

Truly a mystery. My beef is really just with PG County drivers tho.

Can Confirm. The Potomac Audi Club hosts rides that sometimes go through RCP. Because there are so many cars, the route is pretty clear and I promise that stretch requires as much attention at 45 mph for a normie as any Road Track for for an F1 driver.

As of 2020, $745K.

As a Ward 8 parent, that bio-line is disgusting....also a criminal offense.
Edit* on second read, realizes this is probably a parody account and possibly worth my time.

Some key nuanced points are missed in the “let’s see who we can blame besides the actual driver” angles people seem to like these days and evidenced in the Slate Piece and lame ass embedded tweet. The likelyhood of a DC plated vehicle racking up so many tickets and still being on the road is pretty low. This was a

Poor Fucking. Often confused as a verb when it really just wants to be an adverb.

Shout out to the poors that could never....

All I heard you suggest are more solutions.

Counterpoint....bananas in the tailpipe. 

Honestly the surprise is that it didn’t happen to the other cars.

The fact that it exists and exists largely in part because of the R&D we are doing (I’m super proud of the work) & that we are trending toward ultra-portable MRI for field deployment was really my only point. Right now the department I work with is focused on “lung” action. The low power MRI in some of these cases is

Yet we regularly use MRIs with a relatively small footprint at the NIH Clinical Center. I guess your 5 year old knowledge is more reliable than my daily experience. Learn something new on the internet everyday I guess.