The Ja Rule of Kinja

There is a Florida based company, Space Perspectives, that’s currently using hydrogen for its space balloon plans. Not sure if they’ve taken actual customers up yet but they did do an 18 mile altitude demo. $125k per.

“Even with nitrogen cooling, they won’t be as portable as sonograms.”

Fark still exists?

Counterpoint; Spycraft SOPmeans that an accusation warrants a response. Not responding would illicit the same response you have now. People would characterize the response as “muted” and say, “Because they are responding this way, it must be spycraft...why would they respond this way if not?”. There, is no right way

In one context & POV, yes.

There is an assumption here that this is a photo and not a still from say a GoPro or some other video device or device with a physical button....like a GoPro. I also imagine they don’t fly with Radio Emitting devices like Cellphones out of a fear of ....reasons. I play video games and won’t pretend I know what a real

I think no skill at all. If anything, I think this gives a better scale of how enormous this thing was; such that, the pilot gould get some distance between the baloon and themself to line up a great shot. I mean....thousands of pounds of payload!

Space access is not more important than the critical need of helium on earth for research.
At work we’ve leaned in hard on low power MRI. We even developed the MRI the Siemens now manufactures that reduces the tradidional Helium requirement from like 130 liters to a couple liters. It’s even self contained with a

Yeah. Bono is rather illusive but we'll capture him someday.

Which is a shame because despite the geopolitics, Russia has been a reliable Space partner for like the past 3 decades. 

Marines take proxy credit via Navy. 

Well, the jerk store called and they say they want it’s AI back.

From the South, I’d really go for a trillanova.

introducing some account verification

Total concurrence here. At this point I am simply amazed at the author here, at Gizmodo, would simply parrot this without a sliver of critical thought. Critical thought would imply that the author here believes this bullshit. 

The difference highlights the lackluster coverage for electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the United States.

Because it was ruined in the byline?

When people finally start catching on that Prime no no longer ships 2 days if memberships will decline. I cancelled my Prime membership last week because of this.

It’s confusing as to whether DeSantis is saying Chinese people or Chinese Corporations. The Corporations part is reasonable, IMO, because the line between Chinese Corporations and THE Government is often indecipherable.

To that point, things like this happen

I think I agree with the sentiment here, but not the xenophobic policy disguised as protecting American Interests. American Interests should have priority, but if literally, and I do mean literally no one is interested in buying the land, then in a very regulated “but you don’t really own it” kind of way, sold to