The Ja Rule of Kinja

Reclaiming my time*

Sucker. I fit a 55 inch TV in my 2004 Toyota Corolla back in 2013.
If only I could find the $80K or so I saved......

At some point (maybe we are past the point) this becomes a massively popular conspiracy theory that results in tangible criminal activity (not speculatively). Pizzagate immediately comes to mind. It’s like this will never get put to rest. Even if Shelly were to begin making public appearances, people would just brush

The only real difference is the monetization. Articles are published to be read as are the comments.
So, to me, it seems that though you are saying, because someone is getting paid for the content they provided, they are somehow more deserving of the free service of pointing out spelling and grammatical errors than

re: institution.- I think intent is important. In order for “institution’s” to be correct the phrase would need to be “institution’s terrifying leader”. I was almost certain that the authors intent was to describe the institution as terrifying and not the leader so “terrifying institution leader”, I believe, is


Article literally says he plead not guilty.
Your cognitive dissonance with what I know you clearly read correctly is a whole ‘nother argument about how “innocent until proven guilty” is a load of shit and how being charged with something immediately presumes guilt.

When I read that, “anti-zealots”, I instantly recognized it as a good phrase.
It adequately describes Remi, without being derogatory. It’s probably even a good middle ground word to describe people that are not necessarily religious but can understand and respect anyone’s decision to practice any particular religion

I think you misunderstand. This is the UKs first orbital launch, not LauncherOnes first launch. LauncherOne had previously 2 successful launches and deployments into space.

Never forget

The Oscar push is real. Totally here for it. 

Way to get ahead of the “Biden Bailout” comments.

HEY HEY! Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!
A new fighter has entered!
Oh Wait....$80K....sad face.

THANK YOU! A quick Google also brought up another phrase I didn’t know existed; “Brandolini’s law”.

Is it actually possible for something NASA launches into space to cost less than anticipated? Like why don’t we just assume it will cost a billion dollars more than estimated from jump?

Yeah, but it is common for administrations to remind private companies of Section 230.  See, that way it’s legal and not political.

Sure, that’s an accurate broad characterization of Obama’s Congress, but I’ll be damned if I’m not reminded almost everyday of the current Supreme Courts make up as being an Obama problem. From Garlands rejection to RGB’s failure to retire. Oooph.

What is this tactic called? Is is simply a negative association campaign? Pavlovian Language Hijacking?
I know it is incredibly effective and something that I have difficulty explaining to people when telling them to get out of their feelings.

This is in line with what i was already thinking, granted I am working from decades old information, which is why I was unsure. I didn’t know if there had been advances in the fish industry to prevent the things you mentions.
I’ll check out this documentary. Thanks for the recco.

Yeah, the narrative you are spinning doesn’t ring true. They went the IVF route because of fertility issues. IVF represented hope for many families, and while this family is probably the most famous, they are certainly not the only ones that experienced multiple births while shooting for one.