The Ja Rule of Kinja

“If you can’t feed your baby, yeah yeah, then don’t have a baby” -Michael Jackson

Great Milestone. Wake me when it’s in the hands of owner-operators.

Aptera and Elio are not the same company, and as the Elio didn’t see production, obviously not.

No the Aptera that is as much in production as Lightyear.

Sorry.....Is the Aptera not the first solar powered production car?

This is a good list pointing out dubious situations presented in the show. And again, I stated that many of the decisions are ethically contradictory to Federation (I meant Starfleet) standards. But I would not consider the first 2 morally grey. The last 2 are both at the worst end of the moral & ethic spectrum, IMO

Best Trek. Absolutely.
Morally Grey; Not by my definition but worth a discussion. I think DS9 does an excellent job of showing what it’s like “in real life” in space. While a lot of the decisions go against the Federations ethics, the decisions that are made tend to be equitable in nature. I have a hard time

Yeah charge time is same with etron as well, but then again if charging time is your priority, you’re better off with an 350volt system like the Ionic 5, which I think is probably the best value proposition of them all, obviously not lux, but still nicer than whatever gas beater the majority of us are driving. A

“I support men wanting to dress up and dance for audiences unless they are dressed as an anime character for an audience of men that are paying for them to perform”

Why would you care about who is watching you when you are getting paid to be watched? Either you have a problem with the whole enterprise or you have a problem with the who in the enterprise. This is a weird, thinly-veiled homophobic comment.

there will be no endorsed videogame adaptions of the Mystery Flesh Pit as long as I am alive

That’s really the salient point I want to get across to people that whine about any range short of 300 miles. They behave like people that SWEAR they can drive after a couple drinks. Ok.....maybe you can, but you shouldn’t. We should treat fatigue with the same respect/taboo as drunk driving.

AA and every reputable

In my experience, I got about 30 EV miles in DC cold weather and about 25 miles with heater on because I preconditioned. The volt has a very convinient charging timer that lets me finish charging in the morning and I would pre heat the car with the key fob for like 10 minutes and let it finish charging before I leave.

I get that opinion. I don’t agree with it but I get it.
I get it because I used to have that opinion about ALL electric vehicles. Then I actually think about my personal use case.
1. I don’t think ANYONE should be driving 300 miles without stopping for 10-15 minutes. I don’t care about what anyone is capable of doing.

I think it’s WYLD that just 15-20 years ago the idea that someone has to stomach a Hyundai/Genesis or Kia as a choice between the two, would be comparable to eating shit vs eating the shit sandwich. Both of those brands have come a long way.

I think it’s all the ovals. Reminds me way too much of the bubble car era where there were only a handfull of models that pulled the design off well. I think Ford did it the WORST. Lexus the Best. 

Can’t believe how microagressy the comments are here. Let’s be honest, folks rarely recognize actual talent when they can’t get past some single flaw. Larry Wilmore is a comedic and writing god and people didn’t watch his show in numbers to keep it going. Michelle Wolf could do it and people will hate it because of

1. Editorial Note: It is mad disrespectful to say “Kanye West, who now goes by Ye,”.
His name is Ye. If your audience is so daft that they need a reference then it is appropriate to to say “Formerly known as”. By writing it this way, you are asserting that he is at base “Kanye West”.

Imagine writing “Bruce Jenner, who

Not that I am advocating for Jones return, but Musk is really doubling down on the “Free Speech is cool as long as I agree with it” thing.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. The comparison of 2 styles, though (immediate connection & and enduring), shouldn’t be the basis of judging which is “better” or as a point of negative criticism. That being said, I do think Wheadon’s style works incredibly well in the series TV format.