The Ja Rule of Kinja

We are in 100% agreement here, that what Kelis did was pretty shitty in the way she came at Beyonce. I just don’t think that she is , in the context of what’s right is right speaking, wrong here. I land on the legitimate gripe side, despite the legal issues. I am also 102% confident that if Kelis had simply asked

1. First off “Understanding the history you are faking” is by far the most non-sensical phrase I have read all month. more like multitudes of nonsens, amirite!

|2. Bruh, she was 24 years old. Yes, she was still new to the industry and she has talked in the past about how Pharrell screwed her out of ownership of that

1a. You are incorrect. Kelis’ wrote the lyrics of Milkshake. Chad Hugo and Pharrell, who produced the track, took advantage of Kelis’ being new in the industry. Just like how Sting is listed as the songwriter on I’ll be watching you despite Alex creating the iconic riff. Sting is literally the only person that gets

You’re literally describing the scenario Republicans are saying would happen with this funding. Once it is mandatory, the executive branch has almost unchecked authority to repurpose those funds. That is what these minority of Reps are complaining about. No one is talking about “additional funds” .

Sorry, I forgot the Aave range on the root is broad. 

Absolutely incorrect. The song on Beouonces album is Beyonce’s. She can credit whomever she wants as songwriter; both actual and perceived.

Everyone is familiar with not biting the hand that feeds you, but fewer people have the ability to not bite the hand that *could* feed you.

She most certainly does have a point. Pharrell and Chad screwed her on Milkshake in the first place. This is industry knowledge. You can give Beyonce the benefit of doubt in not immediately recognizing the problem because like most people "know", Milkshake is Kelis' song. Not N.E.R.D's. Beyonce would have had an

This might be the best compliment I've ever gotten on Al Gore's internet. 

Thanks mate. Up untill this morning, Besides Jon Stewart, I couldn’t find any source or fact-checker that would not have required me reading ther spending bill versions myself to find the answer.

Dang. Kelis had a point and chose the dirty laundry method, perfected by Monique, as a response. As a result, contributing to her own erasure.
I assume this is the result she wanted, because if she wanted credit she probably could have asked and been granted. Without evidence, I like to think of Beyonce as pretty

A wOmaN dOcTOr? I’m sure Ted Cruz is trying to figure out how to ban those too.

Discretionary spending needs to be renewed every year. Mandatory puts the spending on autopilot.

I don’t know shit about real encryption, but I would have loved to have sat on that technical review panel when they were selecting finalists, just to see the efforts put into seeing if the algorithms works.

I don’t think you’d see much (if any) difference between 4K HDR and Dolby Vision unless your were bench-marking color accuracy. When you are watching you aren’t actively noticing that the trees are a few shades wrong of green.

Is it a really a lie that the $400 billion that would be converted from discretionary to mandatory funding. And doesn’t mandatory funding allow the executive branch to repurpose those funds without congressional appropriation?
Dishonest to feign fear that the administration would actually do this, sure, but a lie?

Naturally, they’d have to wait 14 weeks for the fetus to be identifiable as male or female to know if it’s eligible for abortion thus extending the conservative majority’s (I assume that life at conception is an evangelical stance and most conservatives are evangelical) timeline of when life begins.

Worth noting, if

Me it so.

3. Doesn’t know how kinja works (but that just makes you mid). It’s a photo super tough guy. 

The best way to get your black card revoked is to pretend that your monolithic experience IS the black experience. I’m convinced you live in Montana or don’t actually read or don’t actually know how to use Google.