The Ja Rule of Kinja

Just because it’s wrong and stupid, doesn’t make it not a fact. And it’s not that black church pastors are unique in this. Men with power will use that power for personal gain. The support structures provided by black churches, I'd argue, are a near perfect model of community, all the way up to the corruption at the

This is the answer. The question is why the author doesn’t know this or took 2 seconds to ask a black person before hitting publish.

In defense of the meme, to travel the same distance while towing probably puts it a lot closer in energy costs. 

Closed Loops and E-Stops FTW mate.

That’s the point. It wasn’t done purpose. But it’s 2022, and we can’t afford to keep letting companies ignore the effects of their products on black communities.

No. I like the other guys interpretation much more. I’m not being sarcastic or facetious at all. But you will have to read my response from an equity and diversity lens.

Here’s the reason why.
I think about automatic soap dispensers and how darker skinned folk always have trouble with them. It turned out that during

You realize you didn’t answer the question, right? Or rather, you chose to answer the question, “Why didn’t they program the robot to do X?” with “Because they programmed the robot to do Y”.

No one asked what the robot was programmed to do. They are asking why they didn’t program it with what it is obviously missing.

The Jezebelification of Gizmodo Continues.

Geesh. Such a long time to respond. Did you find that work from home job or something? 😂😂😂

or some of the hottest bars The Wutang Clan have ever spit.

minimum wage for minimum hours sounds dangerously like UBI.

Go on, then. Explain to us how Japan’s healthcare actually works?

1. It is wyld how such a question is instantly identified as silly and American.
2. I wonder if Japanese (or other countries with UHC) men have the same pride complex that keeps them from seeking preventative and regular care before major issues arise as American Men.

Uh no. This is just what those that are actually causing you to pay an arm and a leg on your goods want you to think so you blame the Joe in the union busting his ass instead of the pencil neck working from home in his mansion making 10 bucks for every 1 Joe makes.

Total of 36 techs represents $4.5 million a year at $60/hr. Between inflation and cooling car markets, I’m sure the dealership was looking for an easy way to lighten the costs anyway. 

Thanks for that super detailed response.

I’m pretty sure the rates customers pay for the service portion are regulated by the state, parts on the other hand....

The best way to squash union headaches is to pay a premium on new hires. A skill set is a skill set and the majority of that dealerships profit probably comes from low level services that entry level me handicap can perform. They will pay these lower qualified mechanics more than industry for a few years, let them

I will as well to a point. I don’t know what the substantive issues are, but this minimum guaranteed hours thing bothers me and I'd like more details. I already doubt that guaranteeing minimum hours at this specific dealership would cause a financial problem that would put them out of business or unreasonably cut into

My theory is that we haven’t met a single real human yet. This is an ALL NPC war and every reality we the audience witnesess is just another layer of abstraction removed. Anyone presented as “human” on the show are simply avatars of programmers and no one is ever going to escape the sandbox.