The Ja Rule of Kinja

considering the fact that her husband Kenneth Petty was recently sentenced for failing to register as a sex offender in the state of California some days ago.

I think they are referring to this widely circulates speculation of Twitter rejecting the bid. The idea of rejection came after Musk turned down the offer of joining the board with a cap on his stock ownership. This offer, Musk rejected, was after Musk was already pushing to get on the Twitter board. Twitter would

It’s only generous in the eyes of us poors. To the rest it’s an honest day’s work.

That’s the naive part. Everything is preventing Congress from debating and passing new law.

This guy gets it.

Dumb how? Because the Outer space treaty is the exception to the rule when it comes to countless treaties that have been broken simply because of its success?

Or dumb because you’ve never seen the masterpiece Armageddon and don’t get the joke?

What’s the over/under there’s a nuke on board?

Nothing really lasts forever. Every consumer unicorn lives long enough to become something that sucks. Uber, Lyft, Tesla, Radio Shack.

Sure. But make it opt-in.

You misspelled Yahoo!

Thank goodness Mother Russia can still keep track of me on my Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max!

This is a losing argument. No that says “Made in China” as a pejorative is considering the nuance involved in the gap between intent, design and production. Thanks for not being an ignorant rube.

Keep in mind, booking through these sites will often prevent you from earning loyalty points as well. So be sure to weigh that.

Geesh, I wish I knew what to Google here because now I wanna know.

TLDr- Government starts largest fire in NM history because they didn't account for how climate change would affect controlled burns. FEMA plans to do bare minimum (if even that) to make the displaced whole again. 

Just think it could be worse. It could be a Prezi.

So a slideshow, definitively showing (save #7, which he clearly says to invest cautiously) Musk never telling people to invest in crypto. At best you can call these tweets and statements glowing endorsements, but not advice to invest.

This slideshow is PEAK Gizmodo “What is the point of this slideshow”

You are not wrong. Full Stop.

Anything that can be attributed to wealth distribution almost always has to do with race. You should really go read a book or som’. I suggest the classic, Freakanomics. 

Satire is what’s happening here for the show as a whole, as the show shines a light on the most absurd aspects of reality from *a* perspective to make a broader point. Parody is more like highlighting the silliness of a thing just for the lols. The characters are certainly parodies Superheroes.